Life is just a moment

Once a person dies ... when he realizes it, he sees that God is coming to him for a suitcase in his hand. Conversation between God and that dead person ... ..

Lord: It's time to let the children go back.

Dead person: So fast? I still had many plans left.

Lord: I'm sorry but now it's time to go back.

Dead person: What do you have in that suitcase?

God: Your stuff.

Dead Man: My stuff? You mean my things ... .my clothes ... .my money ..?

Lord: Those things were never yours, but this was of the earth folk.

Dead person: So are my memories in it?

God: No! Their relationship was from time immemorial.

Dead person: Do I have these abilities?

God: No! Their relationship was from the circumstances.

Dead person: Then what are my friends and my family?

God: No dear child! Their relationship was with the way on which you had traveled.

Dead person: So, are these my children and wife?

God: No! Their relationship was from your heart.

Dead person: Then it should be my body?

God: No no! His relation was with dust from the dust of the earth.

Dead person: Then it must be my soul!

Lord: You are misunderstood, sweet children! Your relationship with soul is only from me.

The dead person filled his tears in the eyes and took a suitcase from God's hands and opened him fearfully.

Empty ... ..your disappointment ......... Because of tears, tears started flowing on his cheeks. He asked God.

Dead person: I never had any of my own stuff?

God: All right! You did not have any of your own things.

Dead person: Then ... what was my own?

Lord: Your moment ....... Every laugh .. Every moment that you did was yours. So do every minute work well. Think every moment well. And thank every laughing god.

Life is just a moment ... live it .... Love it ... enjoy it ....

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