Lovin' and Shovin'

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I saw a love it or shove it post from @mariannewest, and had wanted to do one myself. I designed my picture for it, and then got busy with writing other posts. I just ran into what I did, so I decided to finish it. Here are my love it or shove it things.


1: My son. He makes me proud to be his mom. He gave my life meaning.
2: My best and closest friends, who got to know the real me, and pushed me to never give in, or give up.
3: Animals! I love them all. Being around them is comforting when I need it.
4: Joining this platform, and finding my niche with fellow writers.
5: Dark chocolate..I love it. Tasty and full of natural antioxidants.

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1: Those who live off of drama.
2: Letting others crush your dreams.
3: Not trying something new, for fear of failure.
4: This damned crazy weather. I want my warmth and sunshine.
5: Those who thrive off mind control of others lives.

I am sure that the lists could go on, but these are the main ones for me.

what are your love it or shove it things?

Thanks for stopping by.
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