By way of my contribution to motivating the steemit community today, I would like to share a very short story an old friend told me  a while back. Maybe you are familiar with it or maybe you are not. Which ever way, I believe we can all garner some motivation and inspiration from it. The story is of a man and his favorite donkey. So, a man's favorite donkey falls into a well one morning while they were on the field. The man was very saddened and made countless attempts to rescue the donkey but to no avail. After a while, he gave up all hope and decided to bury the donkey in the well. 

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Anytime he threw a shovel of sand into the well, the donkey feels the weight of the sand on it's back, shakes it off and steps on it. This continues for a while and each time the donkey steps on a pile of sand, it gets a little closer to the top. And guess what, by sun down, the donkey was grazing happily in green pastures. It had used the hips of sand thrown at it as stepping stones to get it's way to the top. 

This is not very different from what happens to us in our every day lives. First of all, most of us are often quick to give up and wallow in despair as soon as we encounter an obstacle. We do not seem to look out for the silver linings in our misfortunes. The journey of life can be rough and turbulent. If we can shake off our challenges and used them as stepping stones, then we will almost always end up at the top. 

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A few days ago, I wrote an article about how we could easily turn a bad situation into a great opportunity. No situation, I believe is entirely bad or good. So instead of dwelling in regret, get back up and face life head on. 

Get out there, shake off your problems and step up.

BY @osmansnr from #steemitghana.

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