I couldn't breath, couldn't concentrate on the bottle of Coca Cola I was downing

Part 1

As she embraced, I felt her silk crop-top rub against my bared chest and I swear it did twist, turn and press the few man hairs that scatter on the deep chocolate half American and half Nigerian skin that covered my shaped bold chest.

She stood, stretching on her toes so her lips could rest perfectly on mine since I'm a bit taller (5'11) and she's just as perfectly little for me (5'6). Putting my arms a bit under her plumped-out butt, I lifted her up enough that I could feel her sweet scent blow on my face. But I had difficulty breathing since her heaved breasts under her crop-top were pressing against my trachea. I was choking in sweet pain.

Her heartbeat was loud, I could hear it. One beat coming after another. It sounded like music, rhythm after rhythm and it was lovely. Lord I felt my head spin, so she really was into me after all. All those times I watched her walk past me in the hallway of my off-camp hostel I thought I was the only one blown away now this miracle happens?

Silva is one beauty that everyone wanted. Even in our department the students; fine boys, those grumpy looking men that call themselves lecturers, and a few girls who had a taste for the same sex always lusted for her brain-smashing bodily curves. Her dark and shiny natural hair that graces that heaven sent face of hers. Yellow-gold tanned complexion and of course she is fully loaded in the front and back sides.

She has this smile that always had me wishing; clouds and clouds, skies and skies. I have always loved and dreamed of her even before she started dating Thompson, her soon to be ex boyfriend. Yes I said it, soon to be ex boyfriend cause I never could stand the two of them being together. It ties a knot in my stomach.

Thompson always moved the crowd, he is loved by everyone especially the ladies. He's dark, even more than I am but everyone called him a handsome ebony. I won't blame him, both his parents are black. Gosh why aren't my parents both Nigerians and black? He's also tall, hell but I'm taller. He has a built body also just as I do, dark hair and light brown eyes. He's just as handsome but no not as handsome as I am, well from my own perspective. And he constantly puts that smirk on his face. I never liked that smirk, it was foul looking and annoys me a lot. Like why does he always have it on?

Nonetheless he's got enough to make Silva fall so easily. Not that I'm ugly or anything but I never did approach her, not once. He did, among us all guys plus I never really knew what to tell her if I ever had the chance to tell her.

'Hello Silva, how are you doing', I watched as the episode with Silva and Thompson started. That day I had this unpleasantness inside of me that I felt everything I touched and everyone I met was like bad luck to me left for when I met Silva that day at the most popular 'chilling spot' in school, Coca Cola spot. She was sitting about two tables from me with her friends and they were having some girly chit chat.
I believe what ever they were discussing was funny enough cause it made her giggle and smile. Goodness, that's when everything froze! Her smile.
I couldn't breath, couldn't concentrate on the bottle of Coca Cola I was downing earlier which by of course lost its frost.
I couldn't hear the noise made by the other students present there, couldn't see big Joe grab a seat from my table and made himself comfortable. Even when he started making moves for my drink, couldn't have heard what he said. I just went numb with my eyes still glued to her.

I saw her in that world, you know the one they call fantasy land? yes that one. In fact it was the first time I ever did drift that far off from reality. I could see our kids, Drew and Prisca, so beautiful kids. Wow, I saw her stepping down from the Bentley car I gave her as our wedding gift, with her classic outfit, pair of neatly ironed trousers, suit and car keys dangling from her finger tips. The wind blowing her dark hair coils out that they scatter with the wind leaving her to pluck them together and shift the fold behind her ears. She looks like a workaholic you know, the way she walked down the front yard towards the front door where I stood with Drew and Prisca. It is evening time and just after 30mins ago that I returned from work, here she is, back also.

'Hello Silva, how are you doing? ', that brought me back to reality. Seeing Thompson with his smirk on, standing in between me and my dream girl.

'can I see you for a second? '

This is my story.

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