I Trusted My Gut Instinct And It Probably Saved My Life

Have you ever had a ridiculous, irrational feeling or fear? But maybe you didn’t listen to it because you were just being “crazy” or “paranoid?”

Your inner dialogue goes something like this:

“I think that guy might definitely try to murder me after our date.” -You

“That’s ridiculous, I think maybe you need therapy. Or maybe stop watching so much Dateline.”- Also you

“Yeah, you’re right. That’s crazy. He looks more like a mama’s boy than a serial killer, I’ll take my chances. People don’t just go around murdering people all willy-nilly every day”- You, slightly weirded out that you just used the phrase “willy nilly” in your inner dialogue.

I’ve had those moments. The irrational fear and crazy thoughts.

But, what happens when those thoughts are NOT irrational? What happens when they’re crazy thoughts, but they’re real? Or what happens when you just have a bad feeling, but you can’t explain why?

We all have what’s called “gut instinct.” It never seems rational, but you should always listen to it anyway. Because sometimes the “rational” side of us is wrong and we can talk ourselves out of things that our brain instinctively knows is true and is there to protect us.

One time in particular, I’m glad I listened to my “crazy” side.

This is a total throwback, but I’ll never forget it.

I had just gone to the movies with my best friend. After every movie, we’d go to the McDonald’s across the street because we could get a free burger with our ticket stub (I haven’t eaten McDonald’s in 15 years... I gave up fast food and soda a long time ago).

(pinterest for the win on this one)

We were listening to overly loud rap music because we thought it was funny, since we looked so out of place listening to it.

We pulled into the McDonald’s parking lot and she parked the car. She started unbuckling her seatbelt and was about to get out when I said “Wait! Let’s not go here right now.”

She said, “Why not?”

I just shrugged and responded “I don’t know, I just feel like maybe we should go somewhere else. Let’s go to the other McDonald’s by my house.”

I glanced at the clock and explained we’d have time to get there before the McDonald’s closed.

And she replied, “Yeah but we won’t get free burgers there.”

Logically, this story would end with me saying “Yeah, that’s true. I don’t know why I’m being weird. Let’s just go inside.”

Fortunately, that’s not how it ended.

Had I been with ANY other friend, that’s exactly how it would have ended. I just happened to be with my most laid-back, chill friend. I’ve never met anyone more laid-back, except for maybe someone on those pre-surgery drugs they give you to make you relax.

Somehow, she ended up agreeing to go to the other McDonald’s 15 minutes away, and with no free burgers.

The next day, I was in my room, sorting through some papers on the floor, when my Dad knocked on the door and asked: “Can I come in?”

He came in my room holding a newspaper and said “Did you hear about this? There was a shooting at the McDonald’s on Woodruff Road last night and somebody died!”

He then told me the time of the shooting.

It was exactly 2 minutes after we decided to leave the parking lot and drive away.

We would have been inside there had we not left. Maybe we would’ve been killed instead of the other person.

I’ll never know what would have happened. But let me tell you what, I trust my gut instinct now more than anything. If it’s telling me something that seems super crazy, I listen to the crazy. Because it’s most likely right.

Do you have any times that you trusted your gut instinct and it worked out well? Do you have a story about when you ignored your gut instinct and it turned out badly??

I definitely have some boyfriend stories like that. Should’ve trusted the gut, but “no, I can’t just mistrust somebody for no logical reason. I'll just keep dating him.”

I think if your gut tells you to mistrust someone, then yeah, you can.

Has your gut ever failed you?! Mine failed me today. I didn't notice something was wrong until it was too late.
I'll tell that story sometime soon.

I’d love to hear your stories in the comments, or, if you’d like to make a post, put a tag in there somewhere with #gutinstinct that way I can find it!

I know sometimes people don’t know what to write about on steemit, so maybe this topic idea can help out a little!

I’m going to tag some of you to see if they have any stories they want to share in a post. Feel free to do the same!

You by no means have to participate, and maybe you don’t even have a story that you can remember. But anyway, I’m going to tag @abh12345 @karensuestudios @daveonarrival @hanggggbeeee @suitcasemama @k-a-s-i-a @iwanderela @gabrielatravels @itchyfeetdonica @macchiata @joannewong @fronttowardenemy @travelling-two @for91days @emjoe

P.S. Stomach drawn by hollycopter.com, thumbnail made by me... I wish my gut was that adorable

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