7 Unique Facts Of Albert Einstein That Have Not Been Revealed

The name Albert Einstein, it seems almost no one does not know him. This theoretical physics scientist is widely regarded as a great scientist. He proposed the theory of relativity and also contributed much to the development of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and cosmology. The greatest scientist in history has turned out to have some uniqueness that not many people know. Here are the unique facts about Albert Einstein:

-. Late Talking

Small children usually have started talking since the age of one year, while the age of 2 years, the children are fluent speak. However, with other children in general, Einstein just can speak fluently at the age of 4 years. That's because Einsten has a very high intelligence so that experiencing delays in the development of speech.

-. Ever Failed

Albert Einstein's test is known as the genius, the smart, and the smart. Behind the nickname, do the traveler know, if Einstein ever fails the exam! At the age of 16, Einstein took the college entrance exam, but he failed. The test uses French, while Einstein has not mastered French.

-. Refused President's

Offer In 1952, Einstein was offered to become president of Israel after the death of the previous president. However, Einstein refused the offer because he felt he had no experience leading a country. Einstein also felt he was too old to be a president.

-. Not Wearing Socks

If we wear shoes, usually we will also wear socks. Well, Einstein was unique, because he did not like to wear socks. According to him, big toe so big that makes socks quickly perforated and damaged.

-. Sleeping For 10 Hours

Einstein also had a pretty good habit. He always sleeps night for 10 hours, he also always took the time to take a nap. This enough sleep time can make Einstein think more clearly, lo.

-. Likes to Play Violin

Einstein was good at playing music, the violin. His mother is a pianist, so he has a musical talent. Einstein began to learn violin since the age of 6 years and used to play the violin on the sidelines of his research. Even the violin is named Lina.

-. Brain and Eyes Stolen

After Einstein died, a surgeon had time to steal his brain and eyes. It turned out that the surgeon was very curious about Einstein's intelligence so he stole his brain for research. However, the brain was eventually restored to its place while his eyes were given to Einstein's confidant eye doctor.


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