Story of The Sick Butterfly Attacked by a Lizard: Survived Because Steemit (Bilingual)

Kisah Kupu-Kupu Sakit Diterkam Cicak: Selamat Gegara Steemit

  • Myth of Butterfly

MYTH or fact, some people in the province of Aceh, Indonesia, believe that if there is a butterfly into the house, it means there will soon be a guest. Today, I found a brown butterfly in the bathroom. This findings immediately I told to my wife - @mamaray. While stirring coffee, she immediately predicteds that it was a sign coming guests. I reject her prophecy. I said, that assumption only applies if the butterflies perched in the living room. If in the bathroom, it is a lost butterfly or she wrongs room.

"Yeah, My Dear. It could be that guest just borrow our bathroom, right?" asked @mamaray.

Hearing the argument, I sucked a smile. I thought to my self; instead of busy discussing the myth that is not necessarily the truth, better i take photo butterfly, then I share in Steemit. Who knows, these butterfly photographs do have supernatural powers so the magnifying and the stars of Steemit are visiting to my blog as my guests and provide the best upvote. Hehe...

In short, I took the Oppo A71 smartphone, then I was take photo the butterfly. The picture I took about four times from a different side. That happens at around 13:40. Next, I left the butterfly alone in the bathroom, and I immediately rushed to lunch, take a shower, then praying zuhur.

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  • Back to The Wild

After the prayer, the butterfly was still in my memory. I am very curious why when photographed she does not moves. I became worried, perhaps she get sick, misdirected or trapped. I was very curious and about an hour later, I went back to the bathroom. The butterfly is still there. Even, her position is still in the previous place. After I look closer, it turns out that these two poor butterfly wings are torn. Afraid of starving to death because of being trapped in my tiny bathroom, I then took the initiative to help her out of the house. I want him to be able to fly again in the wild. This process also I took a photo with an HP camera, because from the beginning I intend to share the story in Steemit.

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Once outside, I took one picture while she was still perched on my arm. However, a moment later he rushed to fly. My intention to take once more picture when she flies, fails miserably. She had flown arround the porch, and I really wish I could take that moment. But that hope failed too. In seconds, the butterfly moved a little farther, to the neighbor's lontong stall.

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  • Attacked by Lizard

My eyes kept watching him from the back porch. And, since I do not have any photos when the butterfly flies, I hastily intercept it to the kiosk, hoping to photograph the session. Distance of the back porch of the my house with a kiosk about 15 meters. I hurriedly walked over there. Once inside the kiosk, my eyes stared wildly in every direction. The butterfly was invisible. Suddenly, from the stall roof made of woven nipah leaves, there was a suspicious voice like the sound of applause. As I turned toward the sound, evidently it was the sound of the butterfly's wings. She fighting hard because her wings had been in the grip of a lizard's mouth. I also took this dramatic moment with HP camera. After that, I had disturbed lizard to let go the butterfly.

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  • Long Life Because Steemit

Alhamdulillah, this poor butterfly is released in a state of live and he immediately rush to fly further. Once again, I failed to take a picture while he was flying. But my failure this time just makes the hearts of relief and happy. I speak to myself; if only I had not intercepted him for complementary photos for share in Steemit, maybe this butterfly's life had ended in the mouth of a lizard.

  • Ending

Be thankful butterfly. Your life is safe because of Steemit. If possible, tell to the butterfly big family, that this latest social media really helps save your life. Please also pray that your dramatic story will be liked, visited and chosen by the magnates and the Steemit's stars. So, I also survived the increasingly difficult economic squeeze in this early March 2018. 😊


  • Mitos Kupu-Kupu

ENTAH mitos atau bukan, sebagian masyarakat di Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia, percaya bahwa kalau ada kupu-kupu masuk ke rumah, pertanda akan segera ada tamu. Tadi siang, saya menemukan seekor kupu-kupu coklat di kamar mandi. Temuan ini langsung saya kabarkan ke istri-- @mamaray. Sambil mengaduk kopi, Ia pun meramal bahwa sebentar lagi kami pasti akan kedatangan tamu. Saya menolak ramalan itu. Saya bilang, anggapan itu baru berlaku kalau kupu-kupunya hinggap di ruang tamu. Kalau di kamar mandi, itu kupu-kupu, sakit, kesasar atau salah ruang.

"Yeah, Abang. Kan bisa saja tamunya, cuma menumpang ke kamar mandi," sergah @mamaray.

Mendengar argumen itu, saya mengulum senyum. Dalam hati saya membantin; daripada sibuk membahas mitos yang belum tentu kebenarannya, mending kupu-kupu ini saya foto, lalu saya share di Steemit. Siapa tahu, foto kupu-kupu ini memang punya kekuatan supranatural, lalu para pembesar dan para bintang Steemit ramai-ramai berkunjung sebagai tamu ke blog saya, untuk memberi upvote terbaik. Hehe... Singkat cerita, saya ambil smartphone Oppo A71, lalu kupu-kupu itu saya foto. Gambar saya ambil sekitar empat kali dari sisi berbeda, sekitar pukul 13:40. Selanjutnya, kupu-kupu ini saya tinggalkan sendirian di kamar mandi, sementara saya langsung bergegas makan siang, mandi, lalu shalat zuhur.

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  • Kembali ke Habitat

Usai shalat, kupu-kupu ini kembali terbayang. Saya jadi penasaran kenapa saat difoto, kupu-kupu Ia tak berkutik. Saya jadi khawatir, jangan-jangan ia sedang sakit, sesat atau terperangkap. Saking penasaran, sekitar satu jam kemudian, saya kembali lagi ke kamar mandi. Kupu-kupu itu masih ada. Bahkan, posisinya masih di posisi sebelumnya. Setelah saya perhatikan lebih teliti, rupanya sayap kupu-kupu malang ini sobek atau koyak. Khawatir mati kelaparan akibat terperangkap dalam kamar mandi yang sempit, saya kemudian berinisiatif membantu membawanya ke luar rumah, agar bisa terbang lagi di alam bebas. Proses ini juga saya abadikan dengan kamera HP lantaran sejak awal memang sudah saya niatkan akan membagikan kisahnya di Steemit.

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Begitu sampai di luar, saya sempat mengambil foto satu lembar saat posisinya masih di lengan, lalu Ia langsung buru-buru terbang. Niat saya untuk mengabadikan sesi saat Ia terbang, gagal total. Ia sempat berputar-putar sebentar di teras rumah, dan saya sangat berharap momen itu bisa saya abadikan. Tapi, harapan itu pun pupus. Tak lama berselang, sang kupu-kupu terbang agak menjauh, ke kios lontong milik tetangga, di samping rumah.

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  • Diterkam Cicak

Mata saya terus memantaunya dari teras belakang rumah. Dan, karena belum dapat foto saat ia terbang, saya buru-buru mencegatnya ke kios, dengan harapan bisa mengambil foto sesi terbang di situ. Jarak teras belakang rumah dengan kios sekitar 15 meter. Saya buru-buru jalan kaki ke sana. Sesampai di dalam kios, mata saya liar mencarinya ke segala penjuru. Kupu-kupu itu tak terlihat.

Tiba-tiba, dari atap kios yang terbuat dari anyaman daun nipah, terdengar suara mencurigakan seperti suara tepuk tangan. Begitu saya menoleh ke arah suara itu, rupanya suara kepakan sayap kupu-kupu tadi. Ia sedang melawan sekuat tenaga karena salah satu sisi sayapnya sudah berada dalam terkaman cicak. Momen mengharukan ini juga sempat saya foto, lalu cicaknya saya ganggu agar mau melepas kupu-kupu.

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  • Selamat Berkat Steemit

Alhamdulillah, kupu-kupu malang ini dilepas dalam posisi selamat dan Ia langsung buru-buru terbang lebih jauh lagi. Saya kembali gagal mengabadikan momen saat ia terbang. Tapi, kegagalan kali ini justru membuat perasaan saya lega dan bahagia. Saya membatin; jika saja saya tidak mencegatnya ke kios demi mendapat selembar foto pelengkap untuk Steemit, mungkin hidup kupu-kupu ini sudah berakhir di mulut cicak.

  • Ending

Bersyukurlah kupu-kupu. Kamu selamat gara-gara Steemit. Bila mungkin, kabarkan kepada keluarga besar kupu-kupu, bahwa media sosial terbaru ini benar-benar telah membantu menyelamatkan nyawamu. Doakan juga tulisan tentang kisah dramatismu ini dikunjungi dan dipilih oleh tamu dari pembesar dan para bintang Steemit, sehingga aku pun selamat dari ancaman himpitan ekonomi yang di awal Maret ini terasa makin sulit. 😊

Thanks you very much for visiting my blog and reading this post
Terimakasih banyak telah berkunjung dan membacapost ini
Love you All, @musyawirwaspada

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