My grandmother — she passed away a few months ago.

"I'm 21 and I’ve just completed my graduation. I come here very often because I feel this unexplainable connection with the sea — I know that sounds absurd, but coming here is a feeling I can't describe. I come here when I'm happy or sad; with friends or alone - and it still gives me the same joy. I think it devours different flavours of life, Its vastness and calmness somehow gives me a feeling that it has space to absorb all my emotions and dissolve my worries. Whether I have a fight with someone or I’m facing problem I can’t seem to find a solution to, I come here and always feel better. ”
“What's on your mind today?"
“My grandmother — she passed away a few months ago. Her memories still overwhelm me and that's why I've come here to calm myself down. Death is such a funny thing - I saw her on her deathbed and thought that after a few days I wouldn’t miss her, but it was only with time that I realised that in her own quiet way, she was so special. I'd ignore her the whole day and try avoiding to have long conversations with her, but at the end of the day she'd be the first to help me if I needed anything. There were so many times when she was sick herself but if I even sneezed, she would forget about herself, drop everything and come to my room with her medicine box. She would yell at me for eating outside food and then if she shouted just a little bit more, she would feel bad and lovingly stroke my head with her beautiful floral handkerchief.
I really miss her - I'd do anything to have just 5 more minutes with her to tell her how much I love her and what a privilege it was to have her in my life - but I can never have that again. I wish I could tell her how much I respect her and that even in her absence, she’s giving me valuable lessons. The biggest one so far is that life is actually too short and sometimes, by the time you realise someone’s value in your life…it’s already too late. She’s taught me to value those in my life, fiercely. She’s taught me, that if you love someone — you have to do everything in your power to let them know and make them feel loved…today and that the only time you really have, is now.”
A story from Bombay.


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