How Facebook changed my life!!!!

I've been living on this earth for 33 years and have made some major mistakes in my lifetime.  Many that I'm not sso proud of and still affect me til this day.  The only thing I don't regret from my younger days is having my oldest son.  Jesus was born on March 4, 2005 and trust me when I say,  I was not ready to be a father.  My way of thinking was living the fast life and getting easy money by any means, and when my son was born I took it into overdrive!!!!! I'm pretty sure you all know what happened next.  The whole kid turn thug than graduate to being a felon.  I won't go to much into that I'll leave it for another time.  Let me back up a lil bit....you see I was adopted when I was in third grade by a Costa Rican family.  The same family that had me since I was two years old.  Me and my younger brother Rob were with them together.  Back in the 80's the system didn't like separating siblings.  Growing up I always knew I was different than my mom because she had white skin and blue eyes.  I'm not sure how and when I found out she wasn't my biological mom, but it feels like I always knew.  I remember my mom taking me to see my biological mother once a week as far back as five years old.  The memories I had of her were always really vague.  I remember the sound of the cars riding down the green highway.  I later learned that highway was actually the BQE (Brooklyn Queens Expressway).  Yeah I'm from Brooklyn!!!!!!!!! Anyway back to the story.  All my life I felt as if I didn't belong I guess that's why once I turned 17 I moved out and went to live in New Jersey after I graduated high school.  Fast forward to me having a kid and ultimately getting in trouble.  I didn't quite learn my lesson.  Like I've said in earlier post I love creating music.  So one day in March of 2010 I was at a good friends music studio.  Instead of him working on a beat he was constantly staring at the computer screen messing with facebook.  I sat there watching him not understanding what all the hype was about.  You see like I said earlier I never learned my lesson and I was fresh out of the New Jersey State Penetentary.  So I didn't know a thing about facebook.  I ended up getting annoyed and told him to quit playing around with that bs and let's get to work.  He said facebook isn't bs it's the "new wave" he said.  He than continues to tell me about how great it was and how he can find anyone he wanted.  So I looked at him and said OK if this thing is real than find the girl I lost my virginity to.  I gave him the name...and no I will not say her name...lol... Sure enough her picture is the first one that pops up.  Wow here's someone who I haven't seen in years and all of a sudden boom in the blink of an eye there she is.  So I looked at him dead in the eyes and said how about you find my long lost baby sister that I haven't seen since I was seven.  He typed in the name and a girl from buffalo NY popped up and I felt the biggest let down in my life.

 I knew that wasn't her because my biological family is from Brooklyn.  My boy was looking at me and than looking at her than back at me and he says " Bro she really looks like you" I told him to quit playing but my curiosity had me interested.  I told him to send her a message but he said all he needed to do was send a friend request and she would add him. I left the studio and thought about it all week.  At the time I was staying with some girl and we got into a little fight and she kicked me out.  So I had to stay a couple days in my friend's house.  I woke up the day after she kicked me out and jumped on my friend's laptop.  I created a facebook and searched for the buffalo girl once more.  I sent her a friend request along with a message.  Basically saying that I had a little sister with her exact name who I have been looking for all my life.  I told her my biological moms name and that I also had a little brother who was adopted with me.  I remember feeling really strange and almost numb when exactly half an hour later I received a message from the buffalo girl screaming "OMG I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU FOR A LONG TIME"  I could not believe what I was reading.  Can this really be true? Could I have found my long lost family within half an hour of creating facebook.?  Sure enough we spoke on the phone and tears were flowing for hours.  I got to speak to my sister, my older brothers, and even my mom.  Yes this was the most emotional day of my life.  I remember it was a Saturday and on Monday I was in buffalo NY.  As I said before I never really learned my lesson in life and at the most important time in my life I was a fugitive of the law.  I had an outstanding Marshall's warrant out for my arrest.  But I didn't even care,  I still went to buffalo to see my family.  I was honest with them all about my troubles with the law.  They were not too thrilled about the situation so I promised them I would turn myself in when I had spent a little bit of time with them.  A little bit of time turned into about six months.  During this time I met the love of my Life who I am still with today.  We fell in love hard fast and before you know it she was pregnant.  I took a hard look at my self and decided it was time to finally grow up and be a man.  I got some money together and bought a one way ticket to New Jersey and turned myself in to the police.  It was the hardest yet easiest thing I've ever done.  I knew that for the first time in my life I belonged somewhere and had real genuine love.  I now know what it means when they say blood is thicker than water.  Many bad things happened after this point in my life but I don't want to give it all away in one shot.  This is just a lil teaser ... I hope you all enjoyed this story.  It's 100% true and amazing and 100% my life!!!!!

If you'd like to Know what happened next in my life stay tuned!!!!!

Follow @mrviquez

First family photo taken after 20 years.

My sister holding my newborn daughter 2015

Me and my sister's son

Me my sister and her man 2017

Me my sister my brother Rob and my nephew

And finally me holding my son Mason, my wife Liza holding my daughter Meilani ,  my son Jesus visiting from NJ in the middle and my sisters son making the screw face.

Follow @mrviquez

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