Morning feathered creature in gold enclosure '(7)

Morning feathered creature in gold enclosure '(7)

Malik Muhammad all of a sudden recollected the little pixie's memory. I looked so back. To take a gander at his eyes, it is a chhandabara. Seven sisters of the exams have contacted them totally. Malek sent six brother by marriage to the stream and stayed behind them. The six siblings stated: Why are you back? Since they came ...!

Malek said to Muhammad: Go! There is no issue on the off chance that I kick the bucket. Since I'm not one of you. Be that as it may, in the event that you lose one of your six siblings, everybody will be influenced. In such a distrust, they achieved the stream. Be that as it may, in the Malek Muhammad River, the enormous sister of the mythical people pulled her pony to the tail. Seeing this circumstance, little pixie cut a pony's tail with a sword with his sword.

Distance across ... Malek Muhammad achieved Nishchinte in the waterway. The senior sister of the reasonable told the more youthful sister: What did you do it? imageSource

The little heavenly attendant stated: I needed to cut her head into two pieces yet God felt that they needed to spare them from our hands, for what reason would they need to take the tail of the pony? Jakake, now distress and what will happen!

Authorization isn't permitted to cross the stream. Fundamentally they returned to their home. In the mean time, Malek Muhammad said to his siblings: Surviving from an extremely perilous threat. We should Go back to your family now! I will discover gold confines and fall fowls. On the off chance that you return well, I'll go together. That is so. Six siblings came back to the town and Malik Muhammad went towards the desert.

In the wake of going far away, Malek saw a holy person coming towards him. The holy person said to him, O young fellow! Go ahead! We make an agreement on one.

Malek stated: What the arrangement!

The holy person stated: You will give your sword and pony to me, and I will give you this pot, dastaar and long stick.

Malek stated: What are their properties?

The holy person stated: Whenever you accompany your submit the pot, you will state, 'O Solomon! I have a visitor Then eat as much sustenance from the pot won't diminish. The component of the knave is to spread it to the Prophet Solomon and recollect that I have a visitor. At that point the bread won't end until the end. Furthermore, take the stick close by and say: I need a purported head. So the head will be cut like a lauer.

Peruser! Do you figure Malek Muhammad will consent to the proposition of the holy person? Indeed! He concurred, and his pony and sword swore the pot, artists and sticks with the holy person. What's more, the swords went off on horseback holding tight the abdomen. Malek Muhammad needed to analyze the things given by the priest once. He took the stick and stated, "O Solomon! I need to toss this leader of the holy person. To state no, the leader of the holy person was cut off. Malek trusted that the holy person would slaughter somebody with that sword, murdering the holy person. That is the reason the stick was picked toward the start of the examination.

Malik Muhammad, riding on horseback, swung back to the sword and swung back to the reasonable château. The little blessed messenger saw Malik and stated: Do not you have the dread of life. My sisters won't keep you alive on the off chance that you see them. Malek stated: Allah is incredible.

The little blessed messenger stated: If we had no sisters, we would have possessed the capacity to spend it securely. There was no strain.

Malek stated: If you don't think anything .. executing them is anything but difficult to water to me.

The little blessed messenger concurred, and Malek lifted the stick of his hand and stated: O Prophet! I need to cut the leader of the six sisters like a lauer.

Malik said to the blessed messenger: Go and see what is the state of your sisters!

At the point when the mythical being went in, six sister's take was cut off. He returned to move and said to Malek: Yes! The sisters kicked the bucket. Presently we can live calmly.

Malek said to Muhammad: But I have a distant visit, I need to take off.

Pira stated: I know! You're searching for gold enclosures and fall feathered creatures. Yet, you can not go to work without my assistance.

Malek stated: Why?

Pari said that on the grounds that where this confine and back region is 360 kilometer far from here. The panthers live around 120 kilometers. The transport of Gagandhana is situated around 120 kilometers of the transport and 120 km in the zone.

The gold enclosure you are searching for and the floor you are searching for, put the confine on the leader of the princess' girl's head. There are seven ways to the young lady's castle from the city. Monsters have been guarding every one of the watchmen. The seventh entryway monitor is the devil of the seven heads. How would you get it, I let you know, listen painstakingly.

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