Kisah penuh Hikmah / Wisdom full story

Say Sayididah Halimah As-Sa'diyyah Rah
One day Rosul Saw disappeared
When approaching the afternoon
So we went out to look for him
might meet in the street
Then it is true
We found her &
At that time Rosul came to see us
veiled with light
The goats are behind him
Among the goats there is one
His leg was broken because thrown by his brother Hamzah
The goat leaned against the Rosul as if complaining about her
So when the Rosul holds the goat's feet with his noble hands ... then immediately the pain is felt as if nothing ever happened
Sayyidah Halimah said to his son Hamzah
How did you get your brother Al-Qursyi
He says
O mother
No he is passing through the bebatu-an

padang land
wild animals
and neither passes the border
Except say hi ...
"For you are Rosul salam"
and it is not him climbing one place except where it will grow grass

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