The lucky deaf frog

I remember the story what my mom always talk to me when I was a kid.

One day there are many frogs was going together to same place they must be harry because their village will have disaster, they go in a hurry. in the middle of road they through there was a big hole there and some of them did not realize it, until two of frogs falled down in the big hole. Both of them so terified in that hole they just believe they will die in that hole.

They ask to their friends, please help us to get out of this hole. All of the frogs circling on the top of hole no One can help them because the hole is too deep to reach them.

First frog : try to jump, but failed he try again and failed again he try for many times he always failed.
Second frog : did the same thing, try to jump but the result was same like the first.

One of their friends on top of the hole said just give up no one can jump as high as this hole and we here can't help u there and in a hury and another frog said the same thing loudly and all of the frogs on top shout to them and said both of you can't be helped.

first frog. : Just cry and give up. But
the second frog : he want to try again to jump, he take a stand, take breath, he just ready give all of his power, strengness to jump as high as he can. Finally he did very good job because he can so high and get out from the hole.
All of the frogs unbelievable the frog can jump so high, and the second frog save his life.
Because the disaster almost come they must be hurry and leave alone the first frog in the hole.


Did you know why the first frog give up but the second frog did not give and want to try again ?

evidently the second frog was deaf he can't hear anything what his friends said, He just be positive and thought all of his friends shout and give them spirit to jump as high as they can.

I think we can learn something from this simple story, Sometimes we need to be a deaf and think positive to make something impossible to be possible.

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