Another Apocalyptic Story - Chapter 04

"Another Apocalyptic Story"

"For me, for my friends, for anyone interested in reading it.
Nothing special, just a hobby. "

Another Apocalyptic Story - Chapter 04

I woke up sneezing from the cold and began to tremble, I saw the sides, and although the sun does not hit much in the morning by buildings, the early morning darkness told me that it should be at least four or five AM, it was still raining It was more like a dew, but each droplet of this dew felt like a soft prick, it trembled and I stretched, I was determined to return with my group at Angel's house, but as I stretched out I looked at my arm, maybe it was because the cold, maybe it is so much stress in my head but I did not feel the pain, but my stomach turned up when I saw my arm the bite that the crazy woman from the previous day did to me, rather the snack that that crazy woman, It was apparently normal, it had dried a bit and had dried blood despite the rain, and then reconsidered and I thought, "Did the bite not infect me and turned into one of those things? >>

I do not know if it was an important fact but I felt the need to give that information to my friends, I felt that knowledge would help us in something, so I did some warm-up to stand the possible trot I was going to take, I could see a beautiful ray of Sun in the distance, it must have been a little after five o'clock, and although the black clouds immediately hid it again, it motivated me to return with my people. The balcony door does not open from outside, but from inside so I could not open it, << It's not like I want to do it knowing what's inside >>

So I crossed the mini wall that adorned the balcony and walking on the tiles of the house next door I started to move as if it were a kind of tightrope. I had nothing but my arms and legs to defend myself but that damn luck, I could not see anything, I went down the wall of the house and then I started walking, I wanted to run to get there fast but the last thing I wanted to do was reveal my location with the sound of my trot. Ahead you could see some so change the block, grip the Perimetral, there was more. << Shit! >>

I grabbed two blocks to the right, it was clear, I went there until I came across others, I was going back but there was one behind, without making a noise I went down an alley and came to the junction with the "Express Mall" I went stealthily walking and look away, there were two and one of them saw me, began to pursue me and gave me no choice but to run, I got between shortcuts and alleys, jumping from block to block until losing it, in my thoughts rumbled the same, but I had no evidence and I felt I should get it. << They seem to be more active at night than day ... >>

Arriving at the church of the virgin of the valley there was one, I should have gone crazy because I picked up a stone, a simple stone about the size of a Softball, I approached and he stopped limping. << I had smelled? >>

He turned around and walked slowly towards me and more or less when he was twenty-five meters away from me, completely changed, it seems as if he had become a Berseker and started to run, When I was going to fall on top, I squeezed the damn stone with all my strength and smash it against his head, the blow he connected was so strong that his skull sank, he died instantly staining my hand with blood.

He had understood, it was only a theory, but everything pointed to it, the first thing is that his bite is not contagious. << Although that still was not clear to me, maybe I could be a special case >> And the second thing is that we can defend ourselves better during the day, they are only fully active during the night, during the day they only attack when they are close enough, I walk to the building and note that the entrance no longer had bars, I worry that is a fact, but I was not going to let my imagination fly.

I went up every step, every floor and every time I went up a floor it gave me a more horrible feeling, I saw bodies and blood that should not be there, that at least yesterday they were not, I could see that the doors of the enclosures were open, not all but if many, I climbed in a hurry and when I reached the fifth floor, by going all of a sudden I did not take the necessary precaution and I ran into one of the people who turned threateningly, he was eating something, or rather part of someone and he threw himself about me, my own disadvantage would be my pro, and that's the way it was, I threw myself to the side of the wall and went headlong rolling the stairs, I was able to see if that thing was still alive or not, I just wanted to go up and see My group and when I reach the sixth floor for some reason to see that the fence was closed I calm down immediately, I face the left back, putting my life at risk. << It was a fall of six floors >>

As I climbed, my feet slipped and I felt the edge of death in my chest, I grabbed with all my strength from the same grate and supported me with my other leg which gave me chance to put inside the building, with the other hand aching but functional I grabbed the wall and managed to push myself inward, I felt death that is a fact, but finally, I could enter more easily than I expected. I walked stealthily and I could see the door open. << I swallowed saliva >> There were no more than twenty miserable meters but I had the guate on my chest, eventually I reached the entrance and I could not fit inside myself when I saw the scene.

Blood everywhere, broken and dirty furniture and worst of all, we were not great friends, but I vomited when I saw the body of Lucas lying and bloodied in the kitchen entrance, had an eye out and cut all over the body, the big knife that Angel used had him stuck from ear to ear. << is the last thing you want to see, if you want to keep some hope >>

I walked with fear, cleaning up a little vomit that stopped me in my shirt and made me dizzy when I approached the main room, it smelled like shit like you do not have an idea, I opened the door and everything was dark, there was no light and it was difficult Natural light will enter, my eyes needed time to get used to.

When they finally adapted, I could see why it smelled like that, it was just the unfortunate smell of death. The face was unrecognizable since it was only a red mass with pronounced parts of the skull, its stomach was a carousel of intestines and organs. I started to tremble and I approached the unrecognizable body and seeing those clothes, that clothes and that contemptuous necklace of that person, completely stained with blood, I could see who it was, I vomited again and it made me dizzy, it was not The smell or the scene, was when I realized that once that cold and smelly meat mass was Diana.

I was leaning on the balcony with my hand on my forehead without saying a word, my head was full of shit that I wanted to suppress but could not. << All this shit happened in just one night ?, Should I stay? Where will the rest be? What happened? >> And other questions that ate my brain.

My stomach started to roar, it was four and twelve in the afternoon, I had no appetite for anything, but I had to eat something, swallowing again the smell of shit and seeing the disgusting corpse of Lucas went to the kitchen. << They left almost all the food that Kamui and Songer collected >>

I opened the shelf and grabbed the package of Pan Bimbo, checked to see if there was something to complement and only get junk food, then I took one of the many bottles of Nutella that Songer got and put it on the bread. << Just three days ago eating this shit was synonymous with the bourgeoisie, now it was just something >> I finished the whole bag of bread, a bitter lunch.

The boys left their backpacks, I grabbed Maria's, took out all the trash that I was carrying in a pit, to the phone and the Tablet, I filled it with as much food as I could, especially canned and sausages that are more practical for these situations. It was disgusting but I took the knife out of Lucas's head and washed it over, it would be my new weapon in the meantime. I thought about the possible places where they could have gone. << Cumaná plaza, Express Mall, Gina, I even thought about the possibility that he had gone to Cumaná prison. >> So I started to mobilize.

I started going to the Cumaná Plaza since the Express Mall was closed and I doubt they would find a way to enter, walk calmly and cautiously and get to see one or another party but I had already met so many that my legs did not shake, arriving Cumaná Plaza kill one, two, three, kill up to eight, I saw no more, at least on the ground floor, I could kill them because they were scattered enough not to throw themselves at me, my theory was getting more valid << During the day they are not very active >>

The escalators were blown, there was no way to get up there, there was no light to use the elevator, so I ran to the side stairs, were completely full of debris placed there on purpose, climbing was a feat almost alpinism. Which gave me hope, that was obviously done by people looking for a way to protect themselves from those things, I managed to climb up and reach the first floor where Unicasa was, that shit was peeled, there was nothing but glass, it was looted in spirit, the food did not worry me, so I had a backpack with some food, sad was that the cold foods had been spoiled and after three days in the soil of Cumana under the sun and rain, most of the food that was irrigated as a result of looting was no longer edible. << Nor were many of us saying, Kamui and Songer grabbed almost everything I had >> I could see two bodies in the distance from the first floor of the mall but it was nothing really. I could see that they were already quite dead by the time I got close.

Then I went up to the next level, "the food fair" again I had to crawl through the rubble to get to the next level, it was exciting to think how dedicated they were to protect themselves, coming to the food fair I noticed that there was a fresh body lying in front to the elevator, he seemed to have died no more than ten hours ago, he had a hole in his head. << He was shot >> I went up with the guard to the top floor, the level of the children, the stairs were not obstructed in that last level. Arriving I could see a landscape that was not far from hopeful.

There were four children lying on the inflatable castle, which was completely deflated, and a large puddle of blood gave them blankets, I walked towards them and I could see that there were shots, I looked towards my left flank and there was a man sitting in a chair He was dark and dressed in a suit, he was sleeping in that chair and under him there was a pistol, it seemed to be a revolver, I could not see it from a distance, I approached him, my intention was to take the weapon more than anything else, and Slowly mobilize me.

When I was fifteen meters away from him I saw something that I did not distinguish, his black suit and his neck were painted by a cascade of blood, it was fresh, maybe in the morning, I approached with more confidence and saw that the man had a hole in the head, in the right lobe to be exact, everything pointed to that he committed suicide. I picked up his revolver and opened it. << No bullets >> Check in the man's pockets and I found his wallet, there was a picture of a boy in it, the black man in the blue shirt. << was his son? Did you shoot your son? >>

Ignoring my instincts to know what had happened in that place I kept looking, I put my hands in a pocket of his suit and there I could find two bullets. Do not hesitate to take them and put them in the revolver, remove the insurance and keep it. << The armament classes of UNEFA were useful. >>

It was five o'clock in the afternoon, I could see in that late man's clock, one or two hours maximum for the night, I thought. I needed time to look for my friends, they could be in Gina right in front or maybe in one of the houses around, I then made the last floor of Cumaná Plaza my temporary lair, leave the bag with the supplies there and get off quickly to See if I could get any clue to the whereabouts of my friends just by carrying a bloody knife as a weapon.

I searched throughout Gina, look in the other nearby shopping centers to reach the Ginan, I even took a risk screaming to see if anyone heard me, but nothing. Eventually I could see how the sun was hiding so I ran to the CP, I certainly had to follow at least five of them but they still did not activate, I was sure of it. I arrived before nightfall and went up the rubble again until I reached the top floor.

I was panting from exhaustion, he could pretend very well that he was upset that he had not found anything, not a miserable clue. Eventually I took the bodies of the children and wrapped them in the same plastic as the inflatable castle, it made me sick but I was getting used to it. All the bodies, the four children and the man in the suit down to the lower floor. << I will be an atheist, but the idea of sleeping near corpses does not please me at all >>.

I opened a bag of cereal and began to eat, just one, I did not know until when I was going to have food, after that, I went into the inflatables and lay down far from the wall, covering myself with a bored inflatable, there I would spend the night.

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"Another apocalyptic story is an original novel created by my boyfriend (AldhaRoku) and my person (Mochi), we are based in the city of Cumaná, where we live to write it ..."

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