Ramadhan berkah

HUMAN with his eternal duty as khalifah and abdullah are required to truly fill this life in accordance with the guidance of his shariah.
No exaggeration if then on the basis of wanting to obey the Shariah of Allah and His Messenger then said, "Life is a struggle. Life is jihad, or life is choice. "
Yes, the struggle, the jihad, and the choice to live from the work of the lawful. Not forbidden, albeit on any basis and for any reason.**

However, in the general public it is mentioned, "The haram's search is already difficult, let alone the lawful ones," so that some Muslims feel guilty remain in unlawful work under the pretext of emergency, or rather than not getting a job.
But is fact a truth? Certainly not. Truth in Islam does not depend on fact or socio-political situation.
Truth is the truth. Therefore, it is important that Muslims understand why we are commanded to hold fast to the ropes (religion) of God.
If, our way of thinking in living this life based on the Qur'an is certainly a way of seeing facts and life unlike most people.

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