Happiest Birthday Grandpa :D

A couple of weeks ago, my family & relatives gathered to celebrate my grandfather birthday. As I posted to my previous blog that my grandfather was hospitalized and confined because of emphysema disease and now he is already at home and he is getting better (Thank You All for Your Prayers Guys☺)

They plan to have a simple celebration to make my grandfather happy and feel that our whole family are there for him whatever happens. All his children came on his birthday and some of his grandchildren as well. My auntie cooked very delicious dishes and my other relatives brought some foods. They ate together, how I imagine the chats and laugh of each other, hoping someday I can be with them and spent my time with them again. We can see my lolo’s face how happy he is when they surprised him. Even if he cannot talk and move properly, he was still very happy. I felt so happy and teary eyed when I saw his picture, I can see on his face that his feeling better now and he is happy that his family are there to celebrate his birthday. I am lucky to have a grandfather like him, he is an amazing and tough man. I really want to thank all my family & relatives because they are supporting my grandfather, they gave the happiest birthday for him.

and to you my grandfather I thank you for not giving up thank you for being strong and for staying to our lives. Please stay healthy.I pray to God for your quick recovery. Love you and sending you hugs and kisses ☺

Family isn’t defined only by the last name or by blood, its defined by commitment and by love. It means showing up when they need it most. It means having each other backs. It means choosing to love each other even on those days when you struggle to like each other. It means never giving up on each other!


Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. Colossians 3:14


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