Tylers Tale - Prologue


I was born a fully clothed, 37 year old man, on a cold white floor to the sound of booming, echoing laughter. For a moment, I was under the assumption that I was possibly stuck to the wall, as reality shifted, my perspective was re-aligned. The previous instance of me had vanished before my face made contact with the linoleum. I had just managed to steady my legs under myself as it occurred to me the source of laughter... was coming from me.

Before my eyes could focus, I saw the movie 'Mr Destiny' playing. Michael Caines thick British accent muffled by the low hum of massive diesel engines running in the background, as his finger, a bright white light was illustrating the problem I already knew, but didn't fully understand. Like an uncompleted jig-saw puzzle and the box it came in, I knew the conclusion, but still had to put the pieces together.


                                     *Picture taken from the movie "Mr Destiny"*

I missed the opportunity to brace myself for the fall. Everything was instantly white and vertigo gave the perception that I had somehow fallen up. The possibility of massive brain damage quickly escalated when I heard the voice of god ring though my ears.

 "No, what have I done?" The voice was so loud I assumed everyone heard it.

Wait... I was wrong again. The voice was mine.

The confusion is overwhelming and only slightly overcast by a need to find a toilet. I'm going to be sick. I've struck my head hard enough to incur a concussion. Like watching a recording of a rocket blast off in reverse, I was suddenly very aware of my location. I am on the warship HMCS Montreal in front of 7 mess on 3 deck. The shutoff valve that impacted my forehead left a golf ball sized welt, my eyes watering, and a high pitched ring in my ears.

The pain is immense and radiating through my body like an electrical storm. I need a help.

Whatever I was doing is forgotten about quickly, I have to find a doctor. 

My first step doesn't work. I'm dragging my right foot. I can taste copper and I hear myself laughing.

I need help right now.

This isn't the beginning or ending of my story. This is the evolution of me, my universe, and the first confirmed, real-life superhero, Maxwell Power.

This is a draft of my first page, and only includes about 5 seconds of my life. It's a work in progress.

Is this worth reading? Or should I stop now? I'm not a professional writer or content creator by any means... I think I failed English a couple times because of poor attendance. So, being told to stop wouldn't hurt my feelings. :D

If there is some interest behind it, Ill write up chapter 1. If not, I'll find a new topic to post about.

Let me know what you think in the comments! (I appreciate brutal honesty over a beautiful lie any day of the week)

Thanks for taking the time to check out my first draft of Tylers Tale.

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