8 years ago.

The scenario is unimaginable to many; a nuclear weapon detonates over a large U.S. city.


Information from unclassified sources for educational purposes.

Preface condensed and encoded

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Benjamin Franklin for the Pennsylvania Assembly reply to the Governor (11 Nov. 1755)

'A person who engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners including any person who has committed a belligerent act can be held in detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force.'

National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA) SEC. 1031.

The only constant in life is change.

Backstory - September 11th, 2001

source: Fight Club (1999)

I vividly remember waking up on that day, I bet most people do. I only slept a few hours after getting off a night shift (I was working as a mig welder at the time) and when I sat down to have breakfast, every TV station was playing the same video and it was United Airlines Flight 175 hitting the South Tower. At first, I actually thought it was a movie preview.

As most transportation was shut down in North America (airplanes and long haul trucking) for the next few days, the parts needed to build cars were unable to be shipped over the boarder to our facility. So, revenue drops and by December 24th, the company Automotive Specialist Corporation is closed and relocated (...happy holidays...) From what I can tell, I was no longer employed because of terrorism.

This is two massive problems. The first being the need for money, and the second, I really didn't understand HOW something like this could happen, and it was impossible for me to ignore. This is something that consumes me, and I will try to figure this out. I ended up moving to a new city, getting another job soon after making car parts this time, which only made sense. Parts are not getting across the border, so I will help make them.

Soon after I come to the decision that the only way for me to find the information I require is to get a security clearance that might give me the access to the resources to continue my education. I quit my job in April of 2004 and give away all my belongings. Military service is the only way to access this material. August of 2004, I've relocated to the other side of the continent, and I've obtained a secret clearance. I'm a sonar operator in the Canadian Navy.

July 7th, 2005 there is a bombing in the UK that requires some more investigation. I refuse to believe this can keep happening. The more I look, the more I find one thing in common, and to my surprise, the connection was a military drill that became real.

To make something big happen, you need a lot of people to do it. There are many branches of different agencies that are at the disposal for this, CIA, FBI, FEMA, specialist teams with security and acting employments for participants. Compartmentalize so no one knows all the details and any job is pretty easy to pull off, especially if you control the media.

Both 7/7 and 9/11 were years apart where terrible things have happened had a team (FEMA/Visor Consultants) there the day before, preparing for an exercise, for the exact thing that will happen for real the next day.

9/11 - FEMA

"Arrived late Monday night (Sept 10th, 2001) and went into action on Tuesday morning."

"White House says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties." USA Today

But, that is not true at all. "Operation Northern Vigilance was a NORAD operation which involved deploying fighter aircraft to locations in Alaska and Northern Canada. In order to simulate a hijacking situation including terrorist pilots." - conducted on Sept 11th, 2001.

The National Reconnaissance Office was also having a drill where planes crashed into the headquarters building. - conducted on Sept 11th, 2001.

John Fulton, a CIA officer assigned as chief of NRO's strategic gaming division, the announcement says, "On the morning of September 11th 2001, Mr. Fulton and his team ... were running a pre-planned simulation to explore the emergency response issues that would be created if a plane were to strike a building. Little did they know that the scenario would come true in a dramatic way that day."

Amalgam Warrior, scheduled for the same day, also involved "terrorist aircraft attacks". - conducted on Sept 11th, 2001.

The exercise was conducted in real time with a fictitious world political scenario, which prompts NORAD forces to transition from a peacetime posture to a war-fighting stance. The threat escalates from tracking unknown aircraft, which have incorrectly filed their flight plans or wandered off course, and in-flight emergencies to terrorist aircraft attacks and large-scale bomber strike missions.

Amalgam Warrior, Northern Vigilance, Vigilant Guardian, all apart of Global Guardian.

7/7 - Visor Consultants

"We were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning"

Chapter 0

In 2009 I received a new posting to the Regional Joint Operations Center Atlantic as an Information Management Operator. The new title sounds fancy, but, I was really making webpages on internal websites that no one ever looked at. A job that should take someone 12 hours to finish, I could complete in the first 30 minutes of the night. I start googling. Google has information, I will manage it too.

On July 17th, 2009 The Russian military trials a new Bulava missile fired from the Dmitriy Donskoi submarine which results in failure. July 20th the possibility of sabotage is introduced. (Reported) on the 23rd of July, the head of the research institute that designed the Bulava submarine-launched ballistic missile, Yury Solomonov, tendered his resignation.

National Level Exercise 2009 (DHS / FEMA) is scheduled for July 27 through July 31, 2009 and will be the first major exercise conducted by the United States government that will focus exclusively on terrorism prevention and protection, as opposed to incident response and recovery. I see a pattern that is possibly repeating but no direct evidence that I can provide. Looking up the NLE 09 drills online, I see a few conspiracy theory sites like prisonplanet assuming the drills are for martial law procedures after a detonation of some kind, although finding specific details through FOI requests doesn't always yield results.

Scenario will begin in the aftermath of a notional terrorist event outside of the United States, and exercise play will center on preventing subsequent efforts by the terrorists to enter the United States and carry out additional attacks.

Meanwhile, Operation Vibrant Response exercise will be conducted at Fort Leavenworth Kansas from July 31 through August 14; it will focus primarily on responding to chemical, biological, radio-logical, nuclear and high-yield explosive incidents.

I find this all very interesting. The next articles I see are on August 5th, 2009.

Defense Department officials declined to speculate on which weapons might be aboard the two submarines located near Cuba and expressed wariness over the Kremlin’s motivation for ordering such an unusual mission.

“I don’t think they’ve put two first-line nuclear subs off the U.S. coast in about 15 years,” said Norman Polmar, a naval historian and submarine warfare expert. - New York Times

The United States did not know specifically what the vessels were doing but, "No one here is overly concerned by it."

"It doesn't cause any alarm within this building (the Pentagon).... It doesn't pose any threat," Morrell added.

"It is the first time in roughly a decade that we've seen this kind of behavior," said Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell. - Reuters

While Norman Polmar might be a naval expert, and Geoff Morrell might be the Pentagon press secretary, they obviously don't have an internet connection because after a little looking I see that the last reported Russian submarine in Cuba was February 16th, 1971. And while they say they are "not worried about it" the U.S. navy conducted three times the number of SSBN patrols that the Russian navy did in 2008, and more patrols than Russia, France, Britain and China combined.

The new patrol information, which was obtained from the U.S. Navy under the Freedom of Information Act, coincides with the completion on February 11, 2009, of the 1,000th deterrent patrol by an Ohio-class submarine since 1982. After conducting one thousand 'deterrent patrols', then locating a submarine contact in the local waters that hasn't been there since 1971 ... and "no one here is overly concerned by it."? If it didn't pose a threat why are there deterrent patrols?

I'm concerned.

Life Lesson #1
Anytime anyone from the government shows up and tells you to worry about something, it's probably not a big deal. When they say everything is fine, and there is nothing to worry about, you should run the other direction.

Military Life Lesson #1
Anytime anyone ask for a volunteer, don't put up your hand. It's going to suck, that's why they haven't told you what to do yet. This also includes blanket questions like who has their motorcycle license, and any single guys here?


I attempt to bring up a discussion about this at work, and mention to the floor that "I'd like to take a couple minutes today to discuss a possible scenario where military exercises go live as previously witnessed on 7/7 and 9/11"
"Sit down, be quite... you have no idea what you're talking about, pure nonsense."

I get home from work, pick up my flip phone (2009 top of the line haha) and call my father. We talk for a short while before I say to him
"Hey Dad, I think there's a problem, and I don't know what to do."
"First things first. Be calm, let me hear what is going on."
"Well, for the first time in a long time, there is a Russian subs in the area that might have been testing nuclear weapons"


Is the battery dead? No, still on.

The operator says "No connection available" ... then ringtone.

Perfect. Everything about that has good news written all over it. I try calling back. Phone doesn't work (couldn't make an outgoing call until the next morning using my cell phone). Plan B. I call using magicjack and it rings through. I ask my Dad if he hung up on me.
"I'm on kitchen phone, it has a 20 foot cord and I was sitting in the living room, the only way to hang it up is back in the phone cradle."
"Ok, thanks Dad, that's all I needed to hear. Love you, stay safe."
"Don't do anything crazy kid."
"Things are already pretty crazy Dad."
"Love you too"

"Nobody in our government, at least, and I don't think the prior government, could envision flying airplanes into buildings on such a massive scale." said George Bush - April 14th 2004

"The scenario is unimaginable to many; a nuclear weapon detonates over a large U.S. city." - NorthCOM.mil - November 11, 2009

I dislike this situation. Doing nothing means people might get hurt. Doing something, at best, I'm right, and no one knows, at worst, I'm right, and get labeled a terrorist for 'knowing' about this before it happens.

Ill roll the dice...

The Department of National Defence has sent a surveillance plane to waters off Canada's East Coast to monitor a pair of nuclear-powered Russian submarines in the area.

Canadian officials said information indicates the Akula-class warships have now moved north.

Nice effort CBC, but its a submarine, not a warship.

I will always do what I think is right regardless of consequences. Fight the good fight.
Hope you enjoyed, if you read to this point, I urge you to continue.
It's great to learn cause knowledge is power.
Stay safe out there. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.


The Canadian artist 'Classified' has not officially endorsed this article... yet.

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