Everyone has a breaking point…

The Breaking Point

Part 2

As soon as he landed back in the states, he felt like a fish outta water… Hungover like a dawg, from an impromptu farewell / get back quick party a few of the locals put together, for the boat ride to Santorini -- and too many shots of ouzo… The bartender, Kosta.., was more than happy to keep an eye on his new sailboat and Lefty -- but in the back of his mind, he had a feeling he would not be back… Not like the usual tourist that comes for a few days, falls in love with the place.., and swears on his life he will be back, only never to be seen again.

No, this was a different, strange -- kinda like some kind of deja-vu… It was eery and even spooked this macho bartender.., and he wasn't used to feeling like that and he didn't like it. As the boat docked in Santorini, it was more than just the bartender that had that same feeling… Saying goodbye and see you soon, had a very sad undertone that nobody was acknowledging, until Kosta, grabbed him by the shoulders right before he stepped off the boat -- Lefty even knew something was up, he was barking like mad, fearing he would never see his new friend again… Kosta, looking right in his eyes.., and more serious than he normally is -- "Don't forget about your new life, my friend… Because whether you come back or not, it will go on with or without you…"

It comes off, almost cryptic -- almost like a warning…

He slept the whole flight back -- sort of.., it was more like twisting and turning from weird dreams, nightmares.., and visions of a blonde woman kept popping into his head. He could never see her face, but could hear her voice -- and it sounded kinda weird… He wrote all this off, to the stress of having to leave his paradise, even if the plan was to get back, fast…

And tying up those loose ends wasn't going to take too long, he had been gone for over 2 years -- almost 3.., and when he left, he pretty much fell off the face off the planet, as far as anyone that knew him was concerned… He would shoot his parents a random email, every now and then, maybe a text -- but he knew they were not thrilled with his decision to drop out of college to do, whatever… They had their hearts set on him having a "respectable" career -- but there was no-way.., following in their footsteps meant playing by someone else's rules, surrendering his freedom.., and living a life in captivity.

After breaking the news to his parents, that he would be leaving as soon as possible.., and seeing the disappointment in their eyes -- he needed a drink.., but he also needed a little reminder of paradise… Before he left on his adventure, to experience the world.., his favorite place in town was Gus's -- a Greek cafe… When he first moved off of campus because he couldn't take listening to a bunch of entitled pricks whining about something -- all the time.., he ate at Gus's breakfast, lunch and dinner for two whole months -- Gus and the rest of the staff just considered him family…

As he walked into the cafe, he noticed, what looked like a very attractive blonde heading toward the restroom.., for a split second he thought he recognized her… And then he heard -- "PHINEUS.., PHINEUS MY FRIEND, You're Back!" And then, Gus (the owner of the cafe) laid a giant bear hug on him, lifting him off the ground… Yes, our Golden Boy's name was Phineus -- or Finn for short. Is it any wonder he fell in love with the sea, with a name like that -- plus, he was actually named after the Greek prophet Phineus. I think Gus was the only person that called him by his full name…

They sat at the bar and popped a couple of ice cold Mythos -- Gus could not believe he flew in from Santorini and had a sailboat docked in Naxos (a place Gus spent some time as a young man)… As he talked about how much he loved the place, he started to describe the cool little local bar, that most of the town hung out at.., and the bar owner Kostas -- Gus stopped him mid sentence… "I know this boy, Kostas -- his father saved my life many, many years ago by giving me a job, in that very bar… It was how I got started and finally realized I wanted my own place!"

The look on Finn's face is priceless -- Gus has blown his mind…

As they continue to pound some beers.., Finn can not believe the "synchronicity" of the whole situation -- first, a guy named Finn being drawn to the water. Second, an Irish / Italian guy being named after a Greek prophet… And now this.., Gus having such a close tie to the place and people he had just met across the world -- something was going on, that something that happens right outside of our vision.., he could feel it.

They both had quite the buzz going, after so many beers.., and it was the first time he felt relaxed since he had been back… And just as he is about to ask Gus, who the blonde woman in the backyard cafe is -- he gets a stiff crack on his butt cheeks, followed by a funny sounding voice -- "Hey sweet cheeks, haven't we met before…" It's the blonde from the party in the backyard, she is just as buzzed (drunk) as he is.., and her drunk girlfriends dared her to go pick up a guy at the bar -- like a guy would…

As he turns around, it's as if everything is moving in slow motion and when their eyes meet, it's as if time is standing still… Then his face turns completely white -- and he passes out, smacking his head off the bar, on his way to a full on face plant… The blonde freaks out! First off, she can't believe she just smacked a guy (a complete stranger) on the butt.., and now he is lying face down on the floor -- and then, another BAM.., Gus falls off his bar stool from laughing so hard… And from the floor we can hear him say -- "These Americans can't handle their ouzo…" -- laughing his ass off…

When he wakes up, his lying on a couch with a cool bar towel on his forehead.., and he can see the blonde from the back again, staring out the window at her girlfriends in the backyard… And you get the feeling from the look on her face, that she doesn't really fit in -- when Finn says -- "Hey sweet cheeks, haven't we met before…"

Remember, the last time he saw her face -- he passed out cold!

As she turns around, the moonlight from the window.., makes her almost glow, like she is from another world… "Hi, my name is Juno… Glad to finally meet you.., and especially glad you're not dead -- " flashing a smile that could bring you to your knees. Finn is completely lost in her beauty and charm.., but the only thing he can think of is -- "Wait, your the woman from the airplane…" She looks at him like he hit his head too hard… He continues -- *"No, no.., Im not crazy -- ""

On cue.., Gus come busting out of the bathroom door -- "Juno, you know who Juno is right.., Juno is the Roman name for Hera -- Goddess of women. It fits you perfectly my dear, you are lovely.., and have quite obviously cast a spell on my friend, Phineus…"

"Your name is Phineus, as in the Greek prophet… And Im Juno, the Goddess of women -- this is getting weird…" All of a sudden Finn just blurts out -- "YOU'RE THE GIRL I DREAMT OF ON THE PLANE!"

Have Finn and Juno actually met before.., and what does Gus have to do with it..? Sometimes, things we think ae completely random, wind up being part of a much bigger plan. As they will all soon find out...

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