Trash Hunters - funding my start up company with recycling- first Steemit Serie

Hello guys i want to show you the first episode of the serie Treasure hunters of the trash, this will be a weekly update progress of my startup company and the funding of it.
You will never believe what we found in the trash.
So we decided to make a facebook group called "red de ciudadanos ambientalistas" on english it means the web of the environmentalist citizens, the goal of the group was to make recycling patrol during every sunday. So that people could help us earn funds to develop our mobile app.

There was 5 people registered for the event " ecological patrol" but the day of the event only one person came to the event so we where only 2 persons working: Carlos and me. We decided to travel arround local streets behind my neighborhood to collect plastic bottles 1,2,3,4,5 aluminum, glass bottles, iron, and other materials. I didn't knew how the whole process worked so Carlos had to teach me how to separate everything and how to identify each one.

The adventure started. The goal was to fill the car with materials, during the first 30 seconds of patrol Carlos opened the door of the car and went just to grab 1 bottle, I was laughing because of that but he took it very seriously and we were constantly leaving the entire streets cleaned. It was like playing PokemonGo but instead of pokemons it was trash, we continued stopping on places were people will just throw all their trash. i didn't wanted to get my hands dirty with weird liquids but after 5 minutes i was full of gross things haha it was actually even more fun. The people began to stare at us and the couldn't believe we where cleaning their front doors.

So we continued patrolling till we found a dump from the neighbors. The sign says Prohibited to trow trash . After a few minutes a old lady arrives and says don't throw trash... what are you guys doing? she was completely mind blown because no one had never clean that area. She just suddendly left.


We finished cleaning the zone and we parked in a gold mine, the biggest mine ever. Its the police station. Unbelieveable right? People around here started to give us their trash to help us. This micro help really helped us to raise our energy and keep working Meanwhile we found 1 relic, it was a old bottle of glass fro the company CRUSH it was the first model they sold. We even checked out on ebay and its worth some cash. .

Ver video:

Have you ever seen alcohol bottles infront of a elementary school? well here you got it. In fact this is a religious elementary school. We put them all together and took some pictures because many of them where inside the bushes.
The glass bag was completly filled and we ran out of space for it so Carlos started breaking the bottles of glass he accidently cut his hand while breaking the bottles. I noticed Carlos was bleeding but he tried to hide it from me and he was in pain. I asked him to stop and go home but he kept silence and suddendly started smacking his knee with his hand and then he said lets keep looting , i managed to convince him to go eat something so we kept driving. A few seconds later he was still excited to keep looting that he forgot everything and we stop at a trashcan

We found some treasures :
1 brand new functional tablet


The box of a beretta gun haha we prefered to let that thing in the garbage.
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Other treasures found (solar calculator, agendas with phones of govermental people, apple stuff, a crowbar, interesting books) I actually have a new wallet.

To finish our trip we ate some chinese food and took some pictures of the goal completed. There was 24 Kilograms of broken glass, 9 kilograms of PET plastic 1, 3 kg of plastic #5, 2kg of bottle caps 8 Kg of iron and others small quantity of diferent plastics.

Ver video final:!/v/ma-yun/90csiq70

eWally is a startup project that has 6 months of work we are currently 9 people working at it. Its a mobile app that has a big logistic power that connects local stores, bars, gyms, and companies. It's basically a UBER for recycling. For the moment we are currently looking funds for our marketing and ads with companies, equipment, few cars, legal stuff, govermental papers, small warehouses, equipment to compress materials..

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I hope you enjoyed our story we hope to see you next sunday with a new adventure. If you like the story vote us and if you can subscribe that would be a huge help for us. We will be also posting our progress of the project. See you

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