What Bowes Knows

I'm Just a Girl.

Photo on 2018-04-10 at 8.01 PM.jpg

With a Cat.


I'm a girl with a cat on my back.

Photo on 2018-04-28 at 4.48 PM #3.jpg

Did you like that Dr. Seuss story I was starting there? Well if not, don't worry because I never have been able to finish writing any fiction (yes that includes children's books), in fact I don't really enjoy writing stories.

I'm, however, a very avid reader. I love reading the words of others, and I'm always impressed with the tenacity of writers and respect they way they can create entire worlds from typing out their imagination.

What I'm Currently Reading

When my son Kiedis told me that they were reading "Matilda" by Roald Dahl in their class I started having all sorts of wonderful childhood flashbacks of reading Dahl. I asked Kiedis if he would bring home "Matilda" when they were done with it and he did. Next he brought me home "The BFG". I am in absolute heaven reading these, they're so lighthearted, and they stir memories of sweet times escaping into books as a child. He's bringing me "Witches" and "James and the Giant Peach" next hehe!


I'm also working on "The Malazan Book of the Fallen" series, it's the second time I've read it. This is an incredible series if you love the magical sides of fantasy mixed with the history of unknown worlds, and of course a lot of violence. Erikson is really a genius, he's basically Tolkien on steroids.

I've always wished for someone to write the longest book in the world, a series without end, "The Malazan Book of the Fallen" series comes very close to that wish with 10 books totalling 11,200 pages. Reading it the second time is better than the first because of the hundreds of characters in storylines spanning thousands of years on many different continents. I bet reading it the 3rd and 4th and 5th times will be even better, that's how complex they are.

Mmmm...Banana Bread


I haven't been showing you guys my carb porn lately, and I know you've probably really been missing that hahahaha!


My Love of Bread and Bread Products...

I'm so grateful for it because without that love I would never get any exercise. Would you guys believe that I actually was running last night? I was! The walking just isn't helping enough, so I've started to mix in some running to help offset the (not so charming) results of my carb addiction.

I've actually been going for walks without bringing my camera as well because that forces me to keep my heart rate up by not stopping every 5 minutes because of "Ooooh Pretty!" *click click click. I was out there twice yesterday, and I'm going again tonight, pure speed, no camera click click clicking.

What the Bowes' Knowses

The guys have been working hard cleaning up our land and tearing down a lot of the structures we had built. We are hoping to be able to move out of here soon and don't want to have to do all of this at the end, so we're slowly getting our shit together now while we have the free time.


@Hendrix22 disassembling the tree fort, he's up there with no ladder and a saw, it reminded me of a Loony Tunes episode. I called @EddieBowes over to help him, because we all know men won't ask for help on their own.


No one was harmed in the tearing down of the tree fort, bonus!


The Big Greenhouse is Torn Down



It filled 10 recycling bags full of the poly and we have a bunch of wood for campfires this summer.

Yes, I Am Still Growing Food Not Lawns This Year

Very soon I'll be planting all of my lettuce and sweet pea seeds, I've been procrastinating as long as possible because I feel so bad locking the girls up into their run while the seeds sprout and grow strong seedlings. I'm going to have to man up and do it soon though, I really should have gotten the seeds in a couple weeks ago...


Everything weeded and ready for planting, I just need to harden my heart and put the girls into their chicken run.


Kale Though!


These little babies seeded themselves from last year's plant. Thanks Kale! I wish more plants would seed themselves like you, you are my hero.

Give Me a High 6!


Have a Great Weekend Everyone!

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