1st Basement Flood of the Winter & Other Things I Got Up To Today

It's That Time Of Year Again...

Basement flood season. One of the things that happens every year and lets us know spring is near. When we moved into this house our landlord warned us about the basement. Everything is kept up on tables because of the many different leaks downstairs. All it takes is a good rainstorm after the ground has been frozen and we get to go swimming :) I warned you that I would blog about this! I always deliver.


Puddle Barometers Gone Wild!

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Our Weather Today in Hacketts Cove, Canada

I Was So Happy @Hendrix22 Was Home!

It started in the morning before Brendan went to work so he struggled with the stupid pump and hose while I took photos (usually the basement floods while he's at work). You can see why he loves me so much hey? I'm just charming.


Gotta put the pump in a bucket with a screen so no crap gets sucked up and clog the pump, yes, it's happened before hahaha. We temporarily broke the pump that way one time and our landlord had to come running over with another pump.


Not a bad flood at all so far, you will see much much better floods as the winter progresses to spring.


You can't tell from the photo but there is a lot of swearing happening now, somehow there's a knot in this hose hahahhahaha!! How, how is this possible? Did we procrastinate putting it away properly last time? Nooooo...not us, we always have our shit together and are never a #hotmess :)


Brendan Got It Sorted, Now I'm Home Alone

But as a Chicken Mommy I'm never truly alone...


I give my ladies AKA The #ChickenBitches some scratch. They ate it and then proceeded to cower under the deck and in the barn until the storm subsided. Poor gals...the wind actually freaks them out a lot when it's this fierce.


Rain was just pouring off of our roof, I tried to capture it through the window but it didn't really show up too well. The white spots are the rain lol.


Baking Buns


I love how hideous and creepy my tats look with crusted, dried up dough on them after kneading...my artist would be appalled.




The Rain Stopped By Mid Afternoon

And it turned out to be a beautiful evening...


A reflection of the sunset shining through trees, in the glass of a print we have hanging on the wall.


Sunset after rain, lighting up the tree fort.



Casting its Heavenly Hue...


And one last pic...special for @joordanzzz :)


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