The Shadow Being and the Black Stag

Remember how vivd things were for you as a child? Colors were brighter, magic seemed realistic, and everyday was an adventure. My family used to live in an old victorian house in Brunswick, Maryland. The houses in this area are interesting... many of them are built with secret doors inside of closets (crawl spaces)... this is irrelevant to what I am about to tell you. I was around the age of 6 when I realized that my parents were not going to open the door for me anymore when I was afraid. My brother and I saw "misters" in the house all the time. My parents got sick of sharing their bed, so they started locking their door...

Anyway, one night a dark cloud dispensed out of the left corner of my room. The "cloud" resembled fog and smoke because of the way it moved. It slowly started to spread out from the corner to the ceiling closer to my bed. As it started to get closer, I slowly pulled the covers over my head, closed my eyes, and rolled over. I was wide awake...

What seemed like hours later (time is weird when your a kid) I rolled back over and slowly moved the blankets from over my head. I was relieved to see that there was no more smoke. As my eyes traveled across the room, they met another set of eyes. Two red, glowing almonds set into a heavy black mass, darker than the night that spread across the restless railroad town of Brunswick. It stayed at the end of my bed staring back at me with eyes that I will never be able to forget. It was child size. It didn't interact with me in any way, it just watched me.

Again, I slowly pulled the pink comforter over my head, shut my eyes, and took deep breaths until I fell asleep. I told my parents the next morning, but they told me I was just dreaming. Later that week my grandmother and I were on our way back from church. This tad bit is unrelated, but she thinks this happened because there were Morman missionaries visiting her place of spirituality. Anyway, a black stag ran in front of our car. She slammed on the breaks and it starred at us with glowing red eyes and then walked away into the cornfield.

Maybe the stag was a coincidence, however there is something out there that we are not able to understand yet. I'm looking for experienced paranormal researchers to accompany me in researching these cases. If you would like to chat about this, message me on Instagram (willowwidow). I would love to talk to you.

the night the shadow attacked.jpg

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