WOES - chapter two


Dexter's Pov:

The nervousness that washes through you on your wedding day is out of this world.
I've been standing here for at least 25 minutes, sweating profusely. What if she stands me up and doesn't show up probably waiting for this day to humiliate me for everything I've dragged her through?. I wipe my head for the umpteenth time in the last twenty five minutes.
I called her earlier to assure her I'm a changed man, I can't believe I put her through those shit these past years and she's willing to take this Journey of forever with me. Talk about being one hell of a lucky man. A woman who is every man's dream, yet I acted like a fool, taking her feelings towards me for granted knowing somewhere that she loves me so much to always forgive all my shitty behaviors. I wipe my face.
It dawned on me that there's a very thin line between Love and Hate, both feelings are strong and very intoxicating. I shudder at the thought of almost missing this blessing of a woman when I messed up big time with that pregnancy, she almost freaking lost her womb and we aren't even sure right now if she's capable of carrying a child. I wipe my face.
I had seen the hatred first hand that day I went back to Uyo to beg her to forgive me for being a jerk, she was like a raving mad woman, her eyes were dark with fury, I knew then and there that I had messed up big time with the most important thing in my life. She had stabbed me with a fork, I still have the scar to remind me to never ever get on the ugly side of the woman that would become my wife after today. I shudder again at the thoughts of her stabbing me. What if it wasn't fork but knife? Haa. But I'm here, I won her over, she gave me a chance, a chance to show her she means everything and more to me. I wipe my face again and snap out of my thinking spree as I hear the music start. She's here, I sigh, relieve wash through me, she didn't ditch me. Someone pats my back, my best man and best buddy Gabriel but we call him Tingo. I don't know why we call him that but he's just that. He has flown all the way from Ireland to stand by me on this day, I smile and he just hits my back repeatedly, assuring me that all is well.
Kate walks in first, Kate has been too much of an angel to Fidah and I, she looks good in her white dress, I can see Thornton looking at her with a proud smile on his face. Hurt her nigga and I will come for you, forget that u saved Fidah when I ditched her, Hurt Kate small, and I will put a scar on that pretty face of yours I think in my head. She smiles at me and stand opposite Tingo. I smile back, she's amazing like that but not as amazing as my Fidah, call me bias.
Okay so this is where I tell you that I start shedding tears as soon as I see my wife to be standing at the entrance of the aisle, but that would be a freaking buhahah, yes my breath hitch at seeing her standing there in all of her glory and majesty, I feel like I should bow or something because she emitting so much power. She's looking straight at me.
She's like an open book, it's like I can see right through her thoughts and deepest fears. I can see how much this woman loves me, I can see how she has sacrificed so much for my big headed self. I smile.
As she closes the distance between us, there's this urge to sweep her off her feet right now and kiss her fears away , then show her right here that together won't be enough to make it up to her. It takes all the self control in me to just stand here and watch her approach me in her father's arms. When they get to the front, her father hands her over to the priest who in turn starts the ceremony without wasting time.
"we are gathered here today to witness.............."
I tune out of the whole thing, Fidah will not let me concentrate, she's too pretty to be real, could she be Mamiwater? Lol... Then I want to be Papi water.
It's a shame that I won't be able to remember my own wedding day, well thank God for technology, will watch it later, right now I just want to concentrate on the beauty in front of me.
Now, the thing about my soon to be wife is that her beauty is inside out. She has an amazing spirit, a kind heart and a brilliant mind. Which is most important to me. Character. But then, God have blessed her with looks of an African goddess and I know our kids would be proud of calling her mum. Speaking of children, honeymoon starts tonight sha... I smile.. I have not been intimate with this goddess for almost a year now, and I'm proud to say I've been celibate. She won't let me touch her after that pregnancy incident and I really hope we can put that past behind us for good. I will make her pregnant ten times if she permits me,i don't mind having ten mini Fidah and Dexter running around. Scratch that, ten mini Fidah that must remain virgins till they are ninety . One of me is enough for this world. I can't have mini me going around treating girls like I treated Fidah. Shame. But then, I smirk, it would be nice to have someone to do guys stuffs with and talk girls. Okay one mini me and nine beautiful mini Fidah.
I'm now holding Fidah's hands, I really dunno when I slip my hands into hers, she's smiling at me, my heart melts.
Someone nudges my side. Huh? Oh.... My wedding... Yea... We are at my wedding.
Obviously the priest had said something that neither Fidah nor I caught on. He's looking at us like he's expecting an answer. I clear my throat.
"I'm sorry I didn't get that sir", he sighs.
"Patience son, be patient, u can have her all to yourself in less than an hour". I can hear low chuckles around us. Was I that obvious?
"It's time to say your vows, DO you have yours or you want us to go with the conventional one?" he asks again... Oh... Vows... Damn.. Why didn't I think of that, going with the conventional vow is lame seriously. I clear my throat again "I have mine sir" think Dexter think, you better don't ruin this.
"proceed" he tells me.
I squeeze her hands a little, looking straight at her.
" I Dexter Johnson take you Fidah Albert to be my lawfully wedded wife. You have made me a better version of my self. Eight years ago I could never have imagined I would be in this place. A place where I look into the eyes of my best friend and pledge to you my love. You are the sweetest, most loving, caring and kind person I have ever known, and I have no doubt that you make me a better man and father. You believe in me and have shown me how to love with unconditional acceptance and every day you reaffirm that you are my soul mate. Together we are an unbreakable pair, bound by our love. I'm not sure that a lifetime is long enough for me to return all that you have given me but I promise to spend my days by your side. To inspire you, laugh with you, cherish you, confirm you, share your dreams and grow with you. I believe in what we are and I will always love you with every beat of my heart. I pledge before these witnesses today my body, soul and heart to you. I take you to be my spouse, to have and to hold, in tears and in laughter, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward in this world and the next "

I hear sniffs around me, way to go Dexter, I mentally give myself a proud pat on the back, all I had to do was think of the mess my life would be without Fidah in it and the words just came out of me. I should be a speaker.
Fidah clears her throat, I know she's fighting back tears, she's my Fidah and she very emotional with things like this.

"I Fidah Albert take you Dexter Johnson to be my lawfully wedded husband" she begins with a very shaky voice, she clears her throat and continues . "I take you with all your faults and all your strengths, as I offer myself to you with all my faults and all my strengths. Before these witnesses I pledge to share my life openly with you, to speak the truth to you in love. I promise to show up everyday and try. I promise to honor and care for you, to cherish and encourage your own fulfilment as an individual through all the changes of our lives. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life. I choose you to be no other person than yourself, loving what I know of you and trusting who you will become. I will respect and honor you always and in all ways. I pledge my body, my soul and my heart to you. I take you Dexter Johnson to be my spouse, to have and to hold, in tears and in laughter, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward till death makes us part ".

Isn't this the part where they say you may kiss your bride? Because right now I want to kiss this woman right in front of me, she melts my heart, she turns my Stony heart to pudding. I launch forward to do just that when the priest say " Not yet son, wait till you exchange your rings" Arghhhhhhh. I'm mentally stamping my feet like a three year old..

"Do you Dexter Johnson take Fidah to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to trust, in sickness and in health, in riches and in drought till death do you part?" The priest asks
I know what my answer is suppose to be but I find my self saying "We just said that in our vows sir, I do and she does, we do, right baby? We do right?" I ask Fidah and she nods her head, damn this process, let's put the ring in our fingers and get done with it, I want to kiss my wife... Arghhhhhhh. Do these people understand what sexual tention is?
The priest gives me a very disproving look" I do" I said and she slips in my ring. Perfect.
" Do you Fidah Albert take Dexter Johnson to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to trust, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in drought till death do you part.?
" I do " she says gracefully while I slip The ring into her delicate finger.
The priest sighs and declares "You may now finally kiss the bride"
I waste no time in closing the distance between us crushing my lips on hers, I mentally remind myself that there are other people here to do the dirty. I must have lost myself in that kiss, people are cheering, pictures are being taken, I don't bloody care, leave me here forever, she's like jam to my bread, she compliments me too much.
After I'm satisfied, I pull away. Fidah looks dazed and flushed, yea, Take that .. That's for depriving me for almost a year baby... No regret.
She brushes her thumb on my lips, I guess cleaning lipstick stains.... Leave it I almost tell her, lemme wear the identity, i just freaking kissed my wife people woohooooooo.
We sign the marriage register and I hug my wife when I hear "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Mr and Mrs Dexter Johnson"
She's mine, Mine.
It's like a dream come through
She hugs me back tightly.
I'm her First and Only All
I'm her husband
She's my Wife
She's Mine
When we pull away from each other, she has tears running down her cheeks, I know they re tears of joy.
Kate comes by and hugs us both. She's crying too. Congratulations are flying around. I'm a proud man people. I married a goddess.
After what seems like forever taking pictures and receiving congratulations, I drag my wife.... Yea, get it? MY WIFE... Haaa... towards our car. Kate is waiting there for us.
She takes a look at My wife and says "You look like a real life racoon with your tears stained face" Fidah laughs and hits her playfully on her shoulder.
I hug her from behind. "If raccoons look like this Kate , men would gladly marry raccoons" I kiss her earlobe , I kiss her neck, I turn her so she's facing me and kiss her eyes, her nose, her chin her forehead, virtually everywhere. "Here's to forever baby" I claim her lips, it just doesn't get old, I would never get tired of doing this. She's bread to my hungry soul, she's water to my dry throat and as human, I need her every fucking day.
"Get a room people" Kate scoffs and walks away.
"Let's skip the reception and just go straight for our honeymoon" I tell my wife.
She looks at me like I've gone Loco. "Not happening" she says going into the car.
I smack her ass as she turns and she stiffens. Ass still soft like today's Agege bread. I've been dying to do that.
"You did not just smack my ass in public Dexter Johnson" she states in total disbelieve.
I shrug.
A man got to do what a man got to do.
"I will be doing more than smacking your Ass later today Princess"
I get into the driver's seat. She's shooting me dagger looks, if looks could kill.
"What?" I ask innocently "You are my wife, you just pledged your body to me milady"
I turn the key, jerking the car to life. It's a freaking 2008 Lamborghini Gallardo , I spent millions on this. It's my second baby after Fidah. I step on the gas and drive us slowly out of the parking lot of the church. As soon as I'm on the high way, I look at my wife and tell her "Trust me okay?" she nods once. I tighten my hold on the steering, change gear like a godamn racer while I press the botton to bring the roof down before spending off into our forever.

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