Abuse of authority!

With the coming and going of the years we realize that many times in our lives we witness the abuse of authority, and even more so when you are small and as you grow, you realize that those people who called themselves "the Authority, "or intended to be, never had it ... but before proceeding to speak of authority and as there are people who abuse it, let's define it as authority.

The Rae defines authority as:

"Prestige and credit that is recognized to a person or institution for its legitimacy or for its quality and competence in some matter"

Exactly, it is the prestige, credit and even power that can be granted to a person who is created is capable of handling some situation, with some quality and personal skills. As time goes on we realize that many people with any charge, pretend to abuse their authority, doing what pleases them with others ... which leads us to the second concept, authority from the perspective of abuse!
"Abuse committed by a superior who is exceeded in the exercise of his powers"

A superior, every day come to light multiple examples, from the simplest to the most complex and trite, going from police, prosecutors, politicians or military ... but this time we will not go so far, sometimes a simple goalkeeper or a school coordinator , They pretend to abuse of the little authority that they possess. It is not less to cherish a job, but the human being in general historically whenever he feels he has some power or authority over something, he wants to make himself feel and sadly abuses it. Power blind people and conflict, do what is truly important or imply that you are the important, are things that few people usually control.

Reflecting ...
When we have some power or our word is stronger than the other, just for a matter of authority, let us stop to think with a cool head and do what is really right, remembering how we got there and that this power we have over something, Be used for what is truly important.

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