Ah what an economy!!! This can only happen in Nigeria.

This can only happen in Nigeria.

I woke up one hot afternoon
with so much hunger in my stomach
I jumped out of my bed,
grabbed my wallet and my atm card
to head straight to the bank.

On my getting to the bank, I discovered
I hard just #1000 left in my account
with a little hope left
I tried to withdraw #500,
guess what i saw in the atm?
( insufficient balance )

oh what an economy!!!

with broken heart I turned my wallet
to check what I've got anything left.
another shock came;
I've got just #100 left to feed and transport myself back home

Now it got me thinking what to do.
Going back home will cost me #100 for transportaion,
on getting home I will be left with no food to eat.
so resulted to buying corn which cost me #100
While I treked back home.
As I embacked on my journey back home
walking along the road,
Feeling so excited
eating my roasted corn.

Like a flash i saw three men in front of me,
with guns on their hands pointed at me.

"give it to us now or you die"
they said ( guns men ).

Without thinking twice i stretched my phone towards them.

"you must be joking with us..." they said.
"give it to us now or you die!!!" they screemed at me again.

while trying to figure out what the realy want's from me

I got a slap on my face dat made me loose conciousness for some seconds.
and when i gained it back?

My sweet, precious roasted corn was gone!!!
While my phone and ATM card lay on the floor untouched.

They took my corn!!!

In the shock of it I screamed;
I wish the have taken my phone and not my roasted cornSad-Man.jpg
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This is a fictional story of a young nigerian university student.

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