Why I Stood on my Balcony and YELLED!

If the world was a more conscious and aware place I think it would shock most people to find out how many times they decided not to do something due to the fear of what others would think.

Obviously, this is a very known and prominent issue that affects all of us at some point or another - the most clear cut example being the fear of public speaking. It's interesting to know that some people have more fear for this than death itself.


Apart from the more obvious examples, I think this stops people from doing things more than they actually realise and I believe it to be important to break down the barriers once in a while. What this will do is provide positive reference experiences, which will make it easier for you perform again in the future. The lovely thing about this is it then spreads in to other things that could be viewed as seemingly unrelated (this process is known as "far-transfer" and I will do a post on it soon).


I was standing on my balcony one morning and the thought just ran through my head that it would interesting (and freeing) to just yell. Within milliseconds of thinking it, the thought was forced out of my mind (because who the hell just yells randomly on their balcony?) and I walked back inside to head for the front door.

Random thoughts come in to all our minds once in a while! I stopped and realised however, that the reason I dismissed it was because I was scared of people seeing me.

So now, I had to do it. For no better reason than to break down that mental wall I formed and to prove to myself that no one would care.

I went out on to the balcony and let out the loudest yell I could.


Hell, I even let out a few more. It definitely felt weird, but it also felt great that I didn't let the thought that other people would judge me get in my way.

Apart from one guy who stuck his head out of the window to laugh, no one cared.

End result: I shared a laugh with a stranger, broke through a self-imposed fear, and provided a positive reference experience for the future.

Next time you decide against doing something, try and become conscious and see if it is the fear of being judged that has made the decision for you. If it is, make yourself do it. You will grow unimaginably and so many more opportunities will present themselves to you!

Thank you for reading!

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