Man: 6 laws of the LION'pride or why we throw socks


Pride with one lioness is also a pride. Especially if you know for sure that the lioness is not alone. We fully understand that herbivores after abundant pastures go home to their cows. A lion at home does not have a cow, but a lioness. Because we take into account the risks, we consider the queen of animals - but how else? But in any pride there must be own laws. Which we - the kings of beasts - establish.

The first law of the LION'pride

Do not make us tell you ALL! Even if you gnaw our liver - we do not admit that we have a second (third, ...) lioness.

The second law of the LION'pride

Do not ask us to go shopping with you. If it's not food. We are warriors! We are guards! We are not hesitating zagryzem anyone who encroached on our queen in a dark side street. But what danger can you threaten in a bright hall with mirrors that make you twice as slim?

The third law of the LION'pride

Do not forbid us to meet other lions! We have a hierarchy. We have alpha, beta, gamma, etc. males beast. Here everything is clear, and not as in your chaotic world. And for us it is vital to spend a couple of hours - and even one evening! - in a state of rest and clarity. To crack your chaos with new forces.

The fourth law of the LION'pride

Do not make us shave EVERYWHERE! How do you imagine a lion without a luxurious mane? Vegetation is our everything. Of course, we stick to fashion and make stylish hairstyles. But as for the rest of the body ... How do we identify ourselves as brutal and fierce males, if we have a breast like a tender maiden?

The fifth law of the LION'pride

Do not you dare prevent us from lying on the couch. This you can fuss - this is your essence. We should rest. Suddenly the war - and we are tired !?

Why in the title we mentioned socks?

The sixth law of the LION'pride

Do not ask, do not hint, do not put a basket for dirty laundry in front of us. We must scatter our dirty (and smelly!) socks in the house. You should understand that we, like every man of the cat family, just designate the territory.

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