Build your child's intelligence by interacting with animals

Hello everything is back again with me On this occasion I will tell you about feeding the fish at the time of our family weekend getaway in the city of Medan.




Often, parents forbade his children to interact with animals for various reasons, ranging from health to cleanliness.

This video :

In fact, the interaction with the animals turned out to carry a number of benefits. In addition to practicing empathy early on, these activities are also believed to be able to build a child's intelligence, particularly emotional and social.



Just a reminder that all of that should be in the supervision of the parents. Children can be trained to feed the fish like I do on holiday weekends to our little family.

Hopefully we can all start providing children with an education in an environment that is easy to understand with age must be understood by parents.

Thank you for taking a look. @irvanhelmi Follow Me


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