cursory story from beloved Aceh

hello steemit friends all over the world.
in this post I will tell you a glance about my birthplace. Beloved Aceh


Aceh is a province in Indonesia located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra and is the most western province in Indonesia. The capital is Banda Aceh. The population of the province is about 4,500,000 inhabitants. It is close to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India and is separated by the Andaman Sea. Aceh is bordered by the Bay of Bengal to the north, the Indian Ocean to the west, the Malacca Strait in the east, and North Sumatra in the southeast and south.
Aceh is the land closest to the epicenter of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. After the earthquake, tsunami waves hit most of the province's west coast. About 170,000 people died or disappeared from the disaster. This disaster also encouraged the creation of a peace agreement between the government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement
Aceh is also regarded as the starting place for the spread of Islam in Indonesia and an important role in the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Sultanate of Aceh was the richest, strongest, and most prosperous state in the Strait of Malacca. Aceh's history is colored by political freedom and rejection of foreigners, including former Dutch colonialists and the Indonesian government.
When compared with other provinces, Aceh is a very conservative region (upholding religious values). The percentage of Muslim population is the highest in Indonesia and they live according to Islamic shariah.
Unlike most other provinces in Indonesia, Aceh has its own autonomy regulated for historical reasons. Aceh has abundant natural resources, including petroleum and natural gas. Some analysts estimate Aceh's natural gas reserves are the largest in the world. Aceh is also famous for its forests located along the Bukit Barisan range from Kutacane in Southeast Aceh to Ulu Masen in Aceh Jaya. A national park called Gunung Leuser National Park was established in Southeast Aceh.


In one history mentioned Aceh is a descendant of other nations abroad. They come from outside in order to trade and spread religion. Here are the tribes;
The descendants of Indians in Aceh are closely connected with the trade and spread of Hinduism-Buddhism and Islam in the land of Aceh. The Indian people are mostly from Tamil and Gujarat.
Arabs who come to Aceh are many who come from Hadramaut, Yemen. Among the immigrants are among the clans of al-Aydrus, al-Habsyi, al-Attas, al-Kathiri, Badjubier, Sungkar, Bawazier, and others, all of which are clans of Arabs from Yemen. They came as scholars of Islam and as traders. Seunagan area for example, until now many famous scholars of Sayyid descent, which by local people respected with the title Teungku Jet or Habib. Similarly, some of the sultan of Aceh is also the descendant of sayyid. Their descendants in the present day are many who have married to the natives of Aceh tribe, and eliminate the name of its surname.
The Persians generally came to spread religion and trade in Aceh, but later settled there too.
The Turks were generally invited to come to become clerics, arms dealers, warrior trainers, and Acehnese royal war soldiers.
Nowadays there can be found Persian and Turkish descent in Aceh Besar area. The names of the Persian and Turkish heritage used by the people of Aceh to name their children. The word Banda in the name of the city of Banda Aceh is also a word derived from Persian (Bandar means "port").
The descendants of the Portuguese are found in the area of ​​Kuala Daya, Lam No (the west coast of Aceh). They arrived as Portuguese sailors under the command of Captain Pinto, who sailed for Malacca, had stopped and traded in the Lam No region, where some of them settled there.
The event was recorded in history between the years 1492-1511, at that time Lam No under the rule of small kingdom Lam No, the leadership of King Meureuhom Daya. And to this day, still can be seen descendants of the people of Aceh who still have a profile face of Europe.


The language used is the Acehnese language, which belongs to the Aceh-Chamik language group, the Malayo-Polynesian and Austronesian branches. The Acehnese language has close ties to Cham, Roglai, Jarai, Rhade, Chru, Utset and other languages ​​in the Chamik language family, spoken in Cambodia, Vietnam and Hainan. The existence of loan words from the Mon-Khmer language suggests the possibility of an Acehnese ancestor settling in the Malay Peninsula or southern Thailand bordering the Mon-Khmer speakers, before migrating to Sumatra.
The Aceh Vocabulary is also enriched by Sanskrit and Arabic. For centuries, the language of Aceh also absorbed many Malay languages. Malay and Minangkabau are the subsequent families of the Aceh-Chamik language, which are equally relevant in the West Malayo-Polynesian family.


Traditional weapon
The traditional weapon of the Aceh People is Rencong.
Traditional dances found in Aceh illustrate local heritage, religion, and folklore. Generally, Aceh dances are performed in groups, where a group of dancers have the same gender, and their dance positions stand or sit. When viewed from a companion of music, dance can be grouped into two kinds, which is accompanied by vocals and percussion body dancer itself, and accompanied by an ensemble instrument.
Here are the types of dances in Aceh:
Seudati Dance
Rateb Meuseukat Dance
Likok Pulo Dance
Laweut Dance
Pho Dance
Ratoh Duek Dance
Dance Tarek Pukat
Rabbani Wahed Dance
Dance Ranup lam Puan
Rapa'i Geleng Dance

so until here my post, may be useful for all of us.

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