Argument in a queue - STORY TIME - must read it

Mr.Ahmed was standing in a seemingly never ending queue outside the bank.It was the last day for the payment of the electricity bill and hundreds of people had lined up outside the bank. It was a hot, humid day and people were forced to stand under the scorching sun. He was perspiring profusely and kept wiping his sweat with his handkerchief every now and then.

Mr.Ahmed had left home for an office meeting; he was clad in the most

expensive suit of his cupboard which he had bought only last week for the special meeting. He had planned to pay the utility bill on the way but had not imagined that it would take this much long. At present his shirt was dribbling with sweat and the cherry on top of the cake was that the meeting was only an hour ahead. Mr.Ahmed was already hypertensive and prone to getting anxious at petty issues but at present the matter was grave/serious. He realized that the line was not getting short. He observed a group of people who were creating nuisance in the queue. They were breaking off the line and entering the bank out of the line to make their payments, this made Mr.Ahmed restless. He stepped out of the queue and pointed out the group of the people. … of the men got flabbergasted. He exploded that Mr.Ahmed was wrongly accusing him. Mr.Ahmed politely tried to explain him that he was violating the ethics of standing in a queue. But the man was not ready to listen, he turned a deaf ear.
Mr.Ahmed insisted that he had seen the group disturbing the queue and entering the bank directly instead of standing in the queue. At this, the man turned red with anger and instead of admitting his fault stayed adamant. He threateningly told Mr.Ahmed not to poke his nose into this matter or else he would call out the bank manager. Mr.Ahmed was a man of principles so he refused to leave his stance. Then man called out the manager of the bank who was a relative of the man who was arguing with Mr.Ahmed. The man threatened Mr.Ahmed that the bank will not accept his payment if he will not give up on the argument. Mr. Ahmed stayed adamant on his stance and agreed that the manager should be called out. Many people came out in his support . The manager was a hard nut to crack but when he saw the sea of people protesting against him, He found himself helpless and he was left with no option than giving up. Mr.Ahmed gave up his meeting for a greater good and refused to bear the injustice because he knew that ‘’ the squeaky wheel gets the grease ‘’

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