
Campus hustle

Episode 7

      They froze in shock as they watched Rita's approaching figure. "Cats got your tongue?" She asked folding her hands across her chest.

"Ehmm, ehhm I....."Segun stammered. "Hey, shut up, let her do the talking",Rita said, pointing her hands at Nike

"I don't understand what just happened"

"You don't know what"

"Slapping him was a mistake"

"Who is talking about the slap"Rita screamed

"See, it is not what you think"Nike whispered

"You better start explaining before I kill someone here!" She shouted again.

"Segun and......"

"She seduced me at a party last week" Segun cuts in

Nike stared in disbelief, She couldn't utter a word, It was as if a hot iron was thrust into her chest, She couldn't believe this was the guy she was inlove with, the guy she willingly gave all to.

"Baby, you should know how I get if I am drunk, I didn't realize what happened till she left"Segun lied, going down on his knees "you know how much I love you"

Tears flowed down Nike's face, she couldn't defend herself, She didn't no what to say to redeem herself, she had really undermined him"

"So what were you guys doing here"Rita questioned, shooting daggers at Nike with her eyes.Before she could talk,Segun answered "she was blackmailing me when she noticed I was with you"

Ruth moved close to Nike and slapt her hard,"That was for touching my boyfriend, and this is for seducing and blackmailing him" She slapt her again.

 Nike held her cheeks,rubbing them, she sunk into the floor as Segun walked out with Rita in his arms.

         The following weeks were hell for Nike, The room became hostile, She and Rita rarely exchanged words.The other roommates tried to intervene but it was to no avail.Slowly the pain of Segun's betrayal began to wear of, she just ignored him anytime he came around. Segun and Rita's love soon became the talk of the campus, they were seen together at any social gathering.Rita made sure she rubbed it on Nike's face anytime Segun was around so Nike always looked for an excuse to leave the room.She used that time that visit Ayodele whom she had grown to like, it was with his help that she got over Segun. Ayo had all she was looking for in a guy, he is built, handsome, caring and can be loving to a fault, he came to pick her every sunday to church, He explained all her assignments to her.Atfirst she thought he was trying to warm his way into her heart but weeks passed and he didn't pop the long awaited question, She became confused.

"Nike,is there anything you want to tell me"He asked one evening while they were in his room

"Tell you?"She asked looking confused

"Yes tell me, you can't deny that you can feel the tension between us" he said with all seriousness

Nike sat up "I do but I don't want to be fast"

He moved closer to her ,stroking her hair " I have always liked you since the first day I saw you, but you were still heart broken"he explained staring at Nike

Nike's heart soared "I have always felt the same way"

Ayo pulled her close"why didn't you tell me"

"Atleast you now know"She replied

"So, how would I know if you are sincere"she added looking at him doubtfully

"How do you want me to prove my love to you? He asked

"Anyway you know would make me believe you"

He closed her eyes and bent kissing her eye lids, he kissed the bridge of her nose down to the tip.

He pulled her close as he settled on her lower lips, sucking and nibbling it, he wrestled with her tongue as he kissed her with all his might. His hands found a way to her buttocks, he shifted her till she fit the curve of his body as if she were made to be his other half.She snuggled back, kissing him back with all ferocity. She pressed her mouth to his, she made a gentle sound of pleasure.He stroked her back and let his hand wander to the swell of her bottom

"Nike"he said moaning

She groaned, unable to help herself, her body going boneless against him.she felt his flesh go hard against hers, he was hard.

" Do you really want me to do this"he whispered in her ears

"Yes please"She whispered back. He put his tongue into the hollow of ear, teasing her with his tongue, her body went mad in pleasure. He leaned on her, moving his body rthymically, he intertwined their fingers and tugged at them, he kissed her neck as he moved towards her breast. She moved in need, she gasped when she felt the wetness of his mouth on her breast, her thoughts became clouded, she made sounds she couldn't believe was coming from her, She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer to her, her hips rising up off the bed.

When she couldn't take the pleasure, she moaned louding in ectasy running her hands along his hair. He moved from her breast, she grabbed at him begging him to come back but he merely eased himself down her body and settled his mouth between her legs. At his first touch, her body jerked, she had no control left, she was coming apart, part of her was scrambling to get closer to him, the other wanted to get away, she tried that but he came after her, following her to the left and then pulling him back to the centre, he pushed his tongue right inside.He pushed her on and on until she begged him and told him she couldn't take it anymore.

He lifted her hips upward and eased himself in slowly. She clutched the bedspread in pleasure, she groaned. He lifted her hips higher and thust in deep, the whole room went dark, she couldn't believe she was having this great feeling He continued thrusting till her body shuddered as she came, few minutes later he withdrew fast and spilled his seeds on her body....To read the previous episodes click on @hybee
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