
  Campus hustle

Episode 12

    The door opened before she turned the door knob, her roommate was grinning ear to ear when she entered."What's up, with this your sudden happiness" she asked, falling exhaustedly on her bed, she pulled off her shoes, wincing in pain as she tried she release the already cramped muscles. She was grateful to the power holding company, they chose that moment to restore power, she laid down on the bed as cold breeze from the fan comforted her.

"So you and Akin are now pals" Amaka asked, looking at Nike coyly. Nike pretended not to hear her. "sha don't send him away, whether you want to accept it or not there are still good guys out there, and who knows if he is one of them, just follow your heart" she advised as she also laid down to sleep.

     Nike couldn't sleep immediately, she kept moving around on the bed, she wondered if this is not a trouble in disguise too.

 In the evening when Akin came to pick her up, she was happy she had decided to wear the most expensive gown in her wardrobe, she would have felt underdressed beside his black tuxedo.the eyes of the girls in the hostel were all on him as he came down to open the door for her, his handsomeness made her remember the greek gods that she was taught in secondary school, his stance was endearing, joy filled her as she remembered he was here for her. She was sure she would be the object of discussion among Adesewa and her crew who were known to be the hostel gossips.

" Am sorry for that embarrassment" she said as soon as the drove away.

"What embarrassment" he asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"The way they were staring at you" she explained. He shrugged "I am used to that, most times it is more intense than that". Her eyes widened "really"

He laughed when he saw the look on her face "yes, I have had girls who tattooed my name on their body". Nike rolled her eyes in disgust " that is pretty insane". Akin continued laughing as he pulled into the parking lot of the resturant, he quickly came down to open the door for her, she smiled and muttered some words of appreciation. As they walked inside, all eyes were on them, they looked like they just stepped out of the magazine. He pulled out the chair for her as they sat down.

" You look really amazing tonight"he said, waiting for the waiter. She blushed(if black women can actually blush)"thank you very much" she managed to say.

"So what would you like to take"he asked as soon as the waiter appeared

"Anything you think I would like" she answered, the food on the menu were strange to her.

"Hmm, ok,I know just what you would like" he said, showing the waiter what to get.

They continued talking as ate, arguing and laughing at each others joke. Nike laughed than she has done in years, she found her self feeling more comfortable in his company, it was as if they had been friends for years.

"Nike, I want to talk to you about something important" he said suddenly looking serious. Nike frowned, wondering what could be so important

" I like you so much, I know you might say it is too early and fast to develope such emotions but to be sincere, the moment I held you, before I even saw you your face, I felt a connection" he placed his hands over hers "I am not a kid any more, I know what I want, and I want you, please give me a chance" he said, looking into her eyes. Nike's heart raced, she was speechless, she wasn't expecting all he was saying, she pinched her self to be sure she wasn't dreaming "Akin, if this is a prank please stop it" she pleaded. He pulled her hands and placed it where his heart beats "does this feel like a joke" he asked.

Nike looked away, she wanted to cry, this was like a hope to a fresh start, this relationship would surely give her all she wanted and even more, she wondered if. Pushing him away won't be a mistake as well as if keeping him wouldn't be a mistake , she remembered the adage her mom always say to her anytime she wants to start something she wasn't sure of the outcome "there is no harm in failing, the only harm is in not trying."

"Akin, I wouldn't deny the fact that I am attracted to you and I want you too but I have been in so much mess than you can imagine and I don't want you to add to it" she said looking down.

"I can't promise to be a perfect man but I promise not to hurt you" he held her hands in his, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hands.Nike saw the sincerity in his eyes, she wondered if this was who God had designed for her.

"Okay, I accept your request but we have to take it one day at a time" she replied. He smiled happily "we have forever to do this" .

The drive back home was filled with so much laughter,Nike felt relunctant to leave him. She felt like telling him to turn back when he packed infront of her hostel."Baby, thank you so much for tonight". He said holding her hands.

"Stop being thankful jare" she answered removing her hands from his. He came down to open the door again.Nike stepped out in time to see Sewa's parted curtain. She smiled as she faced him "your crushs are not yet sleeping" Akin burst into laughter,she joined him few seconds later.

"You are not serious" he said still laughing

"Anyways let me get going before Amaka locks me outside" she said. He pulled her close , inhaling her scent " I like the way you smell" he kissed her forehead."Take care, I will call you later".

She pulled away, her legs shaking at the sudden burst of emotion she felt. She managed a weak wave as she climbed the stairs slowly .

She knocked severally until a drowsy Amaka came to open the door. "I was thinking you won't come back tonight ni" she said yawning.

"Well, well, here I am" she said as she entered.

" That guy must be very responsible, letting you go away this night despite how ravishing you look, that is the man I want in my life" she said , returning to her bed.

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