Enlightened | A short story

Hello everyone, It had been 4 days since I am ready with the -- Episode of Jihad and I decided to post it today but yesterday I met my old classmate Vishal Jain from school after 20 years. He recognized me at the sight. We discussed our lives and talk about other classmates and all.

During our conversation, I told him that I blog stories. Today morning I received a message from him and when I opened, there was a short story of his and my friend wanted me to blog it. So as advised by my dear friend, I am writing this story for all parents.

Please leave your views and comment. A story is considered complete when readers talk about it. The story is Narrated in my friend's words.

Today I am General Manager in a reputed Multi National Company. I have struggled a lot in life and today I can say that Financially, I am in a very comfortable position. I have not only earned money but also have won the respect of my colleagues and the society I live in.

Life had been a race for me and the worst part is that this race continues even now. Stressful mornings to exhausted evenings. It seems like that I am running on a treadmill. Everything is on automation. You just run, run and run without any sight of the destination.

I get up at 8 in the morning and then the struggle starts. I report to office by 9:30. So in these 90 minutes, I take shower, get dressed formally and then rush to the office where a distance of 10 kilometre gulps my 40 to 45 minutes due to peak hours traffic. I barely get to see my kids during weekdays as their school bus comes at 7 in the morning.

I am always under a lot of stress in my office. Being a General Manager, I have to keep all the departments intact and in the evening have to analyse the production as well.

Usually, I get free by 8:30 or 9 and by the time I reach home, my kids are usually asleep. I don't see my kids during weekdays and honestly speaking, I meet them on Sundays only.

When I see myself in the mirror, I always had a spark of pride in my eyes. I think myself as a perfect father and a husband who works hard for the future of the kids and family, who is providing them with the best of the education and providing them comfort and all other luxuries.

The last Sunday I encountered the reality and it shook me so badly that I am thinking all over again. I am thinking about my priorities again.

When I came back from the saloon last Sunday morning, My daughter was up and watching her favourite cartoon show on Television. I entered and she turned back and saw me. She smiled with affection and came running to me, saying Here comes my "SUNDAY FATHER".

These words were so innocent yet so powerful that it kept me awake for the whole night. I have decided my route now. I do not want to miss that smile anymore. I am not ready to!

What about you my friends?

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