How Do I Prepare For Competition In The Fitness & My Story

Hello everybody!

Today I want to share with you how do I go throught really hard preparation for show in fitness / bodybuilding.

FIrst of all I want to say that I am in the fitness for about 5 years now.
First I train football at the age 6, then, when I was 14 I switched to volleyball becaouse I was too high, almost 197 cm.
But becouase all of that, my height and big activity, I was always too skinny, literally you could see my bones everywhere so I decided to start living differently and to eat healthier and go to the gym.
Already after couple of months in the gym I started to see big difference in my body, I was stronger and I got already couple of kilograms of muscles. I was so excited and happy about that so it all started...


After some time I really loved that way of life! I loved to prepare my healthy meals and go to the gym every day. That's maybe crazy for all of you but it is a lifestyle, you need to live it 24/7 if you want to succeed.
So, after some time in amateur fitness and weight lifting, I decided to go to real competition in fitness and bodybuilding.
My cathegory was Fitness Model & Men's physique. First i was won at national competition as a fitness model. I was so happy about that so I couldn't even wait for next competitino what was World championship!
It was really hard to prepare my body for world championship, I was the youngest athelte there with 19 years old, and I placed 7th out of 17 competitors. Again big result for me, but I promised myself that I will not stand there and that I will be much better next year.

So the next year has come and my first challenge was Balkan Championship where I was apsolute chapmion. Again huge achievment for me and an incentive for the upcoming World Championship.

World Championship was in Spain, So i have to travel with my team with a airplane, what was really heavy becaouse I was so tired of preparation. But I did it, and I steped on a stage and won second place!


How do I prepare for my fitness show?

Preparation for bodybuilding competition is not that easy, even if you are a true gym lover, it will be very hard for you to prepare yourself for competition.

Why is it like that?

Well, to be ready for stage you need to be lean as much as it's possible. That means you need to go throuht rigorous diets for months before show day.

The diet is consists of several stages. The first phase reduces the intake of carbohydrates and improves the training intensity. In the second stage carbohydrates are released completely, only protein and fat are consumed, and training is increased even twice a day.
Even then, the body begins to be tired and tired, there is a huge need for food for sweet. You begin to be so tired that all you can do is go to training and home sleep.
But that is not even a half way!

At the last stages, I need to eat only protein food, without any carbohydrates or fats, ony cooked chicken and some zero fat fish.
That phase last for about 1 week, and believe me, it is the hardest week! That week also I need to drink a lot of water, first day I drink 12 liters of water, second day 10l, third 8.... And after that phase comes the easy part, and that is filling with carbohydrates. That means 2 days before show I eat a lot of carbohydrates to refill my muscles to looks bigger and fuller and at the last day I stop to drink water and trying to throw out as much water as possible from the body to look even more leaner.

Last part of everything is putting competition collor on the body an that's it, you have a few minutes to present your work of several months the best you can.


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