
They say that beauty defines from the outside characteristic of a person but for me its a big NO why?
because what is beauty if you can't inspire people heartedly? what is beauty if you ruined other persons life? what is beauty if you can't even respect your parents? and what is beauty if you can't change a small things into a big one.

Beauty comes from within. beauty comes from the deepest part of you that no one can ever beat you up. Beauty is helping someone in need even in smaller things. giving food to others, teaching children who needed attention and education, appreciating someone's achievement and sacrificing something to others even if you know you'll be the one suffering after.

Just what like jesus did died on the cross while saving us from our sins. my dear brethren let us start renewing our world and make it colorful again. start with smaller things you can do.

I am Gwendolin a proud volunteer teacher teaching kids with love and passion let us start giving others the education and save someone's life in tiniest ways.


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