Beacase of Him, I am tough!

The story of my LIFE as a third year college.
I'm a simple kind of person that lives in a simple life. We are six members of our family that consist of mother, father and four children. I am the eldest of our family. I am very flexible to work in any shift. I can work for longer an hours only if I'm interested in that.

Showing on how I can still be able to stand in my life despite of the challenges that that I've been encounter. My life as an third year college was not that easy like they think. Being afraid of the failures and neglect is pulling you down, but it is really up to you, if how you will find your own ways to skip from it. All the pressures, stresses, hindrances, circumstances, obstacles, struggles, problems, discouragements, trials I'll be able to meet them all and come all these challenges in my way, I just need to stand vigorous so that all of my dreams will come true with the help of GOD. I may shed a bucket of tears when I am in a situation where I can feel the pressure of the things that I can no longer carry, the sadness and pain. Have you been there in the situation that you really want to give up for life because you think that you can't do it? I experienced being scolded by my parent for the reason that you are not longer doing your task in house because of projects, paper works in school, activities, presentations, periodical test and what so ever. If I came home very late, they just say that I got late because I avert my responsibilities in our house. It's hard for me to tell them for being so mouthy and gabby. They think of me that I am so slothful and lazy but they don't even ask me if how was I am? How was school treating me? If how was I am feeling? That questions was always running through my mind but they just throwing me words that can hurt me, saying bad things againts me they just don't even see how stressed and pressure I am. Sometimes they keep on telling me that I can't be successful because I didn't follow them. Sometimes it gives me the motivation to continue fighting for the best of life and most of the time it will discourage me and it makes me over think that maybe that will be my future. But I am thankful for the people who surrounds me for motivating, giving an advices, they influence me and continue reminding me on how to be a strong person. They just say that I am taken them for granted but the truth is I'm doing this for them, because I want to repay all the sacrifices they made and I can be able to give them the comfortable life in the near future and to be proud of me for what I have done and become. I just think that all of that is my passport to be a successful person someday. I know that all of those was a challenge on how stout, fearless and courageous I am to face all of them because I know that I can do it and also that GOD is in me. Even though that was how I feel I always talk to GOD, and ask guidance in order for me to keeo doing through in this life. JESUS is the reason wht I continue having what I really want by a reason of I'm holding on to His promises that says He has better plans, He gives hope and a future. I really do believe that whatever might come to my life He is in control and working of it and has a purpose for allowing all these things to happen. I may never understand his ways but I just simply trust His will for me. No matter what life may brings me I still stand firm because I know that GOD wilk never leave my side nor He will forsake. We all know that GOD doesn't says it directly His message for me but He is using great people that sorrounds me in order for me to pursue in my dreams and goals in my life. My goal is not as east as that. It is very difficult and it requires a tremendous amount of patience and hard work. Improving myself, stunning all the temptations and having trust in GOD are the reasons why I stand so strong. I'm being true to myself with the values, dreams and goals that I have. Even I face struggles in life, I din not give up and I move on as nothing happened. As i experienced hardship, asperity and rigors as I abide in pursuing my goals and dreams in actions and bringing them in reality. Don't let those unnecessary things that wikk stumbling block againts your way to go in life as you are assembling the things for your future. I had lots of dreams, and I want to pursue every pinch of it. I need to be strong and have the courage to do all things, trust in GOD because I know NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE with Him. How as I continue my journey with my dreams and goal behind it I am assure myself that no matter what happen I stay strong and have the confidence for it is the best way to overcome trails in life. My challenge for you is to keep on smilling even how hard and difficult the situation that you are in because in the end of the day, there will always be a good outcome. Life must go on, keep on fighting have put GOD first and keep the fun going. I am tough and it is because of Him that is in above.

Thank you, GOD bless!

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