Day 4 of our story telling people... Thanks for participating...INVITE PEOPLE FOR THEIR STORIES :D

 ---->>>>NOTE!!!>>>>If you want to become one of my characters, just comment something like " Make me a character, I want, or something like that", and look for my owl in the next post :D   


Still, as any good story we need a beginning, so here it goes...It was dark and gloomy night, rain poured over the windows of a rather small grey cabinet, while all of a sudden a LIGHTNING strikes!!! KRRRG... It shows the face of @faustus76 ! Smiling madly, he reads a book that was never written before.As soon as he lay his eyes on the first page, the story revealed to him. He was the author and the creator of a rather strange world. 


  There once was a little doll  that hanged on the knob of the window. The doll was stuffed and stitched with wool and thread. It had a small sword and a shield in its hands. It was put in such a position that it constantly watched over the bed of a young little girl called @zephalexia . By night this girl would start having nightmares and all of the demons would come around her head in order to eat her pain. Yet the doll was also the protector of @zephalexia , when it saw demons around her it would immediately jump from the window and transform itself to a magical knight in shining armor. It would start slaying the demons. One night @zephalexia woke up because of the noise that she had heard and she saw this knight.
She asked: Who might you be? 

>The Knight said: @zephalexia I am Aticus, your protector, your savior and your loyal guardian my lady. 

>>She asked: But why would I need a guardian? 

>>>The Knight said: Because the demons want to take your heart and eat it my lady. She asked: why is that?

 >>>>The Knight said: Because you hold the most beautiful dreams in it my lady.

>>>>> She asked: But why would the demons want my heart? 

>>>>>>The Knight said: Because the biggest truth lies in your heart. 

>>>>>>>She asked: And what is that? 

>>>>>>>>The Knight said: That you are princess my lady! Suddenly sunbeams started filling the room with light, the knight was gone, the demons were gone… @zephalexia was now awake. 

>>>>>>>>>She said: what a beautiful dream As she got up, she noticed that the stuffed doll was not on the window but on the floor.     


@dya28 was a hard working girl. She was the top student at Oxford University. Everyone wanted her in their company. She was able to calculate like a computer, she spoke 10 different languages: Italian, Spanish, French, English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, German, Greek and Russian. She knew how to fly an airplane, she knew how to ride a boat, motorcycle, car,… All in all, amazing skills. Yet the skill she liked the most was about art. She was a great painter and sketch artist, she felt as if she could do almost anything in the world but one thing… She was scared of not having a true friend. One day @cyrilperry knocked on her door. She was amazed by the skills of this artist who explained her that he has a magic brush. The two became best friends, so @cyrilperry made two brushes from his own magic brush. They agreed to paint a better world and so they started recreating it. Airplanes now had bird wings, boats could breath under the water, motorcycles had four legs and spots like leopard. Clouds had colors of the rainbow, the sun was split in half and the other half was recreated into the moon, so there would always be day and night at the same time. Everything was really great except one thing. @diya28 and @cyrilperry did not change themselves, so they have decided to recreate their hearts. They colored them with the color of stars, then they created angel wings for themselves using @hazem91 mechanic scheme. Finally the two artist flew into the night sky and became stars that can even today be seen… The two that shine the brightest on night sky were stars called artistic lives! 


 On a cold wintry night, a scientist was so lonely that he decided to create an android-cyborg. He decided to make it much human as it is possible. So he created cybermom. He used the real tissue, muscles and the skin of a human, the nerves were created by wires and processor chips. As a model, he used his image of a perfect woman. Her brain was a wire circuit with 50000GB of RAM, 100 hexa core processors, 10000TB hard drive. cybermom resembled human outside this circuit so much that the scientist had decided to make a chip for feelings. So now, cybermom was a superior to humans, she had strength of a machine, memory of a computer and a good perception on how to use all of it. Yet, the cybermom now realized that she is not entirely human and she was sad because of that.  Scientist asked her: What is wrong? She responded: I want to be a real human. Scientist was so sad that he could not make her real human that he spent day and night figuring out a way of making her alive. He cried, he suffered, he tried everything…. But nothing worked. One morning, @tamacvet , mother nature came to his keep and she said: I heard your prayers my child, your wish shall be granted. So with one magical touch, she turned cybermom into a real human. Chips and wires fell off of her and thus she became, the greatest wife, the greatest mother, the greatest woman to walk the earth. 

  @willow1114   There once lived a small girl that walked through forest. She spotted a beautiful flower, it was a black rose, she wanted this flower so badly, but the thornes were rather big. She plucked the flower, yet one of the thornes got in her palm. At once, she started having visions about the earth. She saw how the world will end, how people will suffer, how many will die. In tears the girl ran away from forest and upon its exit she realized that she was no longer a little girl, she was a 25 year old now! She realized that the time had changed only for her, that the world remained the same, so she undertood that the world will end in 10 years. She pledged to save the earth from dying and thus she started planting trees, flowers, plants… She started feeding and healing animals, she helped beggars on the street and provided shelter for the homeless people. She arranged protest against nuclear war, personally she started learning about law and order and eventually she was elected for president. One day, sitting in the white house, she realized that she must become president of the Earth if she wants to complete her mission. Thus she started gathering followers from all the globe and people supported her. She turned 40 and realized that all of it was not enough, so she started learning about science in order to make cure for every sickness there is. She managed to cure AIDS, she managed to create cigarettes without bad substances, alcohol was like drinking water. She turned 50 and realized it wasn’t enough, so she started reading about spirituality so she became the master of Yoga, Meditation and Astral Projection. At her 60 she realized that the world was prolonged but still dying.  

So she asked univers: Oh mighty stars, how to save this planet  

The starts replied: Planet was saved my child, it was you that needed saving. 

Thus she returned to time when she was 10 and realized that she needs use her knowledge for greater good. She became @willow114, the smartest girl that ever lived. 

 ---------->>>>If you want to be in the third part, just comment bellow :D  

So, that's about it...

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