Today, I got an amazing idea. Since I am a poet and short story writer I enjoy making people into a fantasy characters and putting them into a story. If you want to be a part of my story, just comment below and we will start our journey.

Still, as any good story we need a beginning, so here it goes...

It was dark and gloomy night, rain poured over the windows of a rather small grey cabinet, while all of a sudden a LIGHTNING strikes!!! KRRRG... It shows the face of @faustus76 ! Smiling madly, he reads a book that was never written before.

As soon as he lay his eyes on the first page, the story revealed to him. He was the author and the creator of a rather strange world.

1. @paradise-found 

First character of the story is @paradise-found a.k.a The Captain! The captain is rather mystical character, he holds the knowledge about every sea path there is. He had sailed the world in search of his Paradise Island. Once he met a fellow stranded on deserted island, it was no other person then the long lost Robinson Crusoe. The Captain bravely killed all of the cannibals and saved Robinson Crusoe from his certain death! Upon returning home with Robinson, his ship known as "NEVERSINK", went into a Bermuda triangle, the tide was strong! The winds were violent, the rain was too much to handle,... Robinson said: "Captain, the NEVERSINK IS SINKING! and captain replied: "Nonsense my friend, The NEVERSINK , NEVER SINK!!! All of a sudden grate waves started creating a tornado and the ship went into the air, it started floating on the clouds. The Captain and Robinson sailed the clouds for the whole day and by night they gazed closely to the stars. Next morning, Robinson noticed a few mosquitoes flying around the lamp which only meant that the land was near!!!

The Captain yelled: "LAAAAND", "LAAAAND"....

And thus he had found his long searching Island which he called @paradise-found


There was a beautiful and radiant maiden that had seen how great @paradise-found island actually is, she thought, why not share this island with other people, it could be Utopia, the Island where only good people will come to live. Being so honest, brave and friendly, @paradise-found, The Captain made her the Minster of the Island. Her name was Sunny, Sunny was just a little girl when she came to the Island, but because of the great knowledge, she gathered there she evolved to @sunnylife , she became a magical fairy with powers of bringing peace and joy to people who are sad... Thus Sunnylife became the protector of the fallen and even today, you can see and hear her whispers all around the world, sending positive energy and protection...

3. @bloghound

In the deep and ruined city, with no lights, with grim looking demons and one-eyed ravens, there shined a shiny jewel, a pearl of pure beauty... @bloghound was a rather brave girl that lived in an ugly town full of thieves and murderers. She fought each and every one of them with her light of enlightenment, the demons, thieves and murderers wanted her jewelry since it contained all of her shiny powers, yet none of them could touch here since they all walk in shadows. Even though safe @bloghound was rather sad girl because she was in such a bad place. Her only wish was to escape this world and to be part of something grater. @paradise-found, the Captain, heard her voice and recognized her power, so he sent his Minsiter @sunnylife to deliver a message about @paradise-found Island! @sunnylife , unable to penetrate the shadow shield of @bloghound 's world gathered all of her strength into a final attempt to break the dark spell, she managed to open a hole in the shield and had sent her a letter informing her about the Paradise Island!

It was in this moment that @bloghound had realized that she is even more powerful then she thinks, she evolved into a Lady Blog, and had created her magical protector and pet, Lady bug,... She sat on Lady bug and flew through the hole created just for her. She met @sunnylife and they both went to live on Paradise Island! 

4. @shiroichi 

Shiro, the mighty samurai was meditating and astral projecting his thoughts into universe... He was at peace, when all of a sudden...TAGADUM TAGADUM TAGADUM...

Drumms of war started to beat, the evil ninjas attacked his village and had killed many  people and animals with poison darts. @shiroichi cried to havens: "Oh mighty stars, moon and the sun, please help me bring life to this deathly ground once again"!!! There was silence... @shiroichi cried once more:" Oh universe, oh time, bring back the memories into reality and return all of  people and animals back to life! @shiroichi THE UNIVERS HAD SPOKEN: Mighty Samurai Shiro, travel to the @paradise-found Island. There you will meet Lady Blog @bloghound , she holds a mystical clock that can reverse time, but beware, you must learn the technique of five punches and kill all the ninjas or else you will never be able to save your village! Shiro practiced day and night, still he didn't know how to get to @paradise-found Island. Until it he realized... ASTRAL PROJECTION, he concentrated on @bloghound the name of Lady Blog, and he projected himself right beside her. He begged her to give him the clock of reversing time and thus she gave him the clock... Shiro Samurai had returned to his village, reversed the time. He used five punches on each and every ninja and saved all of the creatures in his village! Today he is known as SHIRO THE TIME TRAVELING SAMURAI!!!

----------->>>>If you want to be in the second part, just comment bellow :D

  So, that's about it...

-Do follow me on steemit @faustus76

-Do give me advice if you have any

-Do comment and share your views

-Do give your critics 


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