A Few Memorable Recollections From Steemfest 2 - Part 2


(Myself and Dan, one half of the awesome @blocktrades)

Following on from my last post, things were only going to get better from here on in. Upon reflection, an interesting thought sprung to mind. As far as individual steemians are concerned, they will present their own story of Steemfest 2 from an entirely new perspective. different from anybody else's. Yet at the same time, I can most probably relate to their retelling as chances are I probably knew the people or person they were talking about or referring to. How awesome and surreal is that, right? This growing network of steemians continues to spread as do the strong connections that are born out of such meaningful friendships. That, I consider something very special indeed.

So, in regards to my personal experience? Well, these are a few more recounts of the most memorable and enjoyable times I had at the fest. So if you happened not to go for whatever reason, hopefully reading these brief anecdotes will inspire you to save up for the next one and create your very own. I hope to see you at Steemfest 3 as pretty much I’m “already there”, so to speak! That's the passion I hold for this spectacular, annual event.


Well Known… Yet Ever So Sweet and Humble

After the first night of arriving in Lisbon and having that great evening dinner with @michelle.gent and @s0u1, a good old rest up was in order. Come the next morning and I took the hotel elevator down to the lobby area and happened upon two familiar faces. In fact, I was sure they were in attendance at the previous Steemfest also but I had yet to acquaint myself with. Instantly recognisable. They were none other than the couple that make up the famous @blocktrades.

Deciding to remedy the situation immediately, I went ahead to introduce myself. I soon discovered they had only just got to the hotel after stepping off the plane. But I guess the excitement of checking out Lisbon took precedence as they decided to come with us as a group and grab a quick bite. It didn't take long to determine just how cool and easy-going they were.

From therein, it was just awesome catching up with these friendly and endearing people. Hearing about how life is living out in America, discovering Dan’s love of table tennis and learning about their journey into the world of cryptocurrency and how it changed their lives as well as countless others on the platform through the use of their quintessential exchange service. It was indeed a pleasure to meet them and my only regret was not having done it sooner (aka, last Steemfest). We bumped into one another on numerous occasions afterwards and every single time they’d be just as cordial and warm as the first time.

So, thanks very much for playing a delightful part in shaping my personal recollections of the Steemfest. Bless you guys, Donna and Dan, and hope to see you both again at the next one!


A Moment to Remember

Another situation arose that was long overdue for a much-needed fix up. Meeting a gentleman who I respect immeasurably and was privileged enough to finally meet. The renowned and extremely talented @ericvancewalton. Again, he was at the last Steemfest and I didn’t take my oppoturnity to speak to this great guy. And to make matters worse, I doubt he will know this, but at the previous event, we actually rode down in the elevator together. I believe at the time he was preparing for his presentation so as much as I wanted to extended a friendly greeting at that precise moment, I thought it wiser to leave it for later when the time was better suited. Of course, that time never came to be and that was pretty much the “only” sore point I took home with me last year.

Well, not this time round. Seizing an opportunity later that day (just after another of his amazing presentations along with the affable @dougkarr and @andrarchy), I met the man himself. Such a genuine and modest person, it was an absolute delight to meet him and his lovely wife. Though fleeting because of the sheer amount of people present, it was a slice of my history I’ll treasure and I can only hope he will be in attendance at the next one to catch up properly.

A personal role model for me on Steemit and overall awesome guy. Bless you down to the ground, @ericvancewalton. The pleasure was all mine. Until the next time…


One of the Best Things to Ever Happen to Me

Big words, right? And of course, the sole appropriate answer to that question could only be Steemit, right? Well, that may well be the case as Steemit has changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. But an unexpected off-shoot of that is my meeting a sweet and endearing couple who have now fast become an integral part of my everyday life.

That of @exyle and his awesome girlfriend @bkdbkd.

You know what? I couldn’t care less how this comes across. “I ******* love those guys”! Lol, oh it’s true. As people who follow my blog may know, I met this guy at the last Steemfest and we have pretty much conversed "everyday" ever since. Yes, from a full year ago! I’m an only child but Mark is someone I could call the closest to having a “real-life brother”. Now a true life-long friend and all around phenomenal guy, I was over-the-moon when it was confirmed a few months back that we’d all be meeting up at this year's Steemfest.

So, I gotta say, the majority of most of my memories involve @exyle and @bkdbkd. We dined out together at various restaurants during our stay at the HF Lisboa and checked out many of the beautiful sights around the city. Now, there are too many stories to tell. I could easily turn it into a five part mega-post! So for the sake of conciseness, I’ll touch upon some main highlights.


One being when we had a chance to sit next to @ned at the dinner hall on the first day of presentations. The two of us chatting about Steemit with the great man himself is something I won’t be forgetting in a hurry, lol! Might I add that @ned is humble, well-spoken and an extremely logical, intelligent thinker. Keeping that in mind, we discussed SMT’s, user-related politics and various other issues pertaining to the blockchain technology itself. It was mind-blowing the focus and dedication this man gives on a daily basis to the very same platform we all hold so dear to us. And what was the single most stand-out message I took away from that group discussion? These guys are on our side and they see a bigger picture that will benefit us all. We are in good hands, please rest assured of that.

On a lighter note, another cheerful recollection is that of @exyle and I gaming on his laptop down in the lobby every night. You know, to like unwind from a hectic day and all, lol! One time @cryptofunk came over and joined in. That was awesome as he’s a “gamer” through and through and we both found out the hard way! Some serious skills you got there, @cryptofunk. And again, what an overall awesome guy he is! The next night (whilst again in the lobby area but taking a break from gaming on the laptop), @exyle and I had the pleasure of a nice chat with super cool @terrybrock. He’s so knowledgeable in so many facets of life and we had a blast talking more about the future of Steemit and where the direction we see the platform ultimately heading. Bless you, @terrybrock. It was simply fantastic to meet you and I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other again at another upcoming fest.


Lol! That post was way longer than I thought it would be! But that’s just a mere snippet of the great times I was lucky enough to enjoy at Steemfest 2. And I know what I wrote may sound quite “gushy” or “over-enthusiastic” but every written word I put down on this post comes straight from the heart. I’m not one to say things just for the sake of it. Like the last Steemfest, this event has changed my perception of this platform and grown my adoration and respect for "it and it’s incredible users".

Each and every one of you had a part to play in making the whole thing gel in the way that it did and I want to thank everyone I met there for the opportunity to get to know you that little bit better.

May our paths cross once again in the near future. Much love and respect for you all. Until Steemfest 3.



(Best buddy @exyle and my foundation stone in life, @rea.)

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