Short story...

Young couple back from church, instead of a late breakfast, they had an early lunch. What else! Rice nah.
They have a slight argument at table, and afterwards it turned out the girl was right. But hubby felt too big to apologize - as was his custom.
Wifey had had enough of his arrogance, but wouldn't confront him.
Remember lunch was long ago, meaning supper took on a heightened importance.
Wifey knew his man would fancy swallow, cuz lunch had been rice. But she ensconced herself on the couch reading a magazine.
Hubby's yawning like a fool to get her attention to no avail, so he had to ask.
"What are we swallowing for dinner?"
Wifey gently and cutely responds:
"Our Pride, baby!"
And went back to her reading.


Moral lesson :Dont be too proud to apologize when you are wrong

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