Blind addiction

Hello guys,
It's your potential blogger here again.

Greetings everyone, I hope you are having / had a wonderful and prosperous day.

The issue of drug abuse and other drug related crimes has been a thone in the eyes of our society in this contemporary time.

Today I am going to be writing a short story aimed at exposing some disadvantages of drug abuse, I hope you enjoy it.

Blind addiction

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Tomi had just got down from the train. He seems to be very happy because earlier he had successfully stolen a ticket to get on board the train, apparently he couldn't afford a simple ticket because he was broke and has been broke for a long time now.

Tomi quickly took a short cut down town. He couldn't wait to get to NastyCee, he needed some more crack badly and he thought NastyCee could help him out. After about thirty minutes of speed walking, he got to a very old and crowded club called Devange. Devange was NastyCee's haven and business place because it was perfect for the marketing and sales of his drugs to crazy partners.

Tomi was very familiar with the bouncer so they let he in in spite of his shabby appearance and weak composure. He was making his way to the DJ's corner where Nastycee usually hung around when someone tapped his shoulder. "how you doing Mon Amie?". It was Nastycee. "I figured you'd be around here somewhere" Tomi replied.

Tomi spent no time in exchanging excess pleasantries and when straight to make his request to Nastycee. "I need some coke man, I haven't had a taste in days." as he spoke he kept itching and twitching his left eye involuntarily. One could literally see the desperation in his eyes and it was simply hopeless. Tomi was far gone into the world of drugs that he had sold almost everything he had to keep up with his addiction. It is safe to say that it would take more than your average counsellor to help him.
Nastycee pulsed for a moment and then replied "dude! You still owe me a lot of money and you have nothing valuable to give for my drugs, I hope you came prepared to pay today?". Tomi, still desperate for his drugs was willing to promise Nastycee anything to get some, so he pulled his shoe and pointed them to Nastycee "these are original high top J's and they'll go for 200 dollars. What can I get for them?". At this point Tomi was sounding like a salesmen, that's if you ignore his rough appearance and his extremely skinny build gotten as a result of malnutrition. Nastycee took a look at the shoes and flared up in anger "dude those are clogs and not Jordan's, you tryna work yo esse?, I should beat yo ass back to ya mum's basement!!! Get out of here!". Nastycee hated being played and he got irritated with Tomi's little try. Normally Nastycee was a "nice" guy who never raised his voice, unless he was convincing people his drugs was the best.

Tomi a bit embarrassed was about leaving when Nastycee made him a counter offer "look kid, I'll get you your drugs but you gotta pay. Seeing as you ain't got the capacity to foot ya meds I'll tell you this, how about you perform some logistics for my merchandise and you got to keep a Lil. Portion as payment?". Without any hesitation, Tomi mechanically replied yes to nastycee's offer. Nastycee gave Tomi a reassuring smile and spoke "good lad, you're smart I like that. But there's one thing". Tomi now impatient asked what it was and suddenly Nastycee's countenance changed to a very serious one as he replied. "I like you kid, but the cops would be the list of your worries if you dare short change me, you understand?". Tomi nodded affirmatively and nastycee reached into his bag and gave Tomi a small parcel of coke wrapped in an old drug dispensing envelope "here's a show of good faith, meet me in the morning for yo briefing". Tomi's face lit up as nastycee handed him the parcel. "thanks uncle nas I'll not disappoint you.

To be continued

From your potential blogger ![IMG_20180416_074145_879.jpg](
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