Story about poor fisher who caught a golden Steemit minnow

This is a story about a poor fisher who lived in a village at the sea coast and he was totally unsuccessful in all aspects of life.

He was unsuccessful as a fisher and also as a Steemer. But he lived his life proudly and didn't ask any help from anyone.
Life forced him to go out every morning with his old fishing rod at the dock to try catch something to eat. But most of the times he went home with empty hands and went to bed with empty stomach.
One morning he took his last bait and attached it on the hook then cast it into sea.

After two hours of nothing, he decided to leave the dock and go home. But in the moment when he tried to pull the rod, something bit the bait! He caught something!!!

Judging by the weight while he was pulling the line, it was just a small fish but at least the fisher will be happy with some meal. But when he pulled the fish out from the sea he realized it was just a little minnow.

But when he looked closer, it was a golden Steemit minnow!

Fisher was so happy and decided to sell it to the goldsmith.

But same as the goldfish, golden minnow could talk. So he said to the poor fisher:
"Please, let me go and I will give you three upvotes! I am a golden minnow, that's something like goldfish, but I don't fulfill three wishes, I give three upvotes! Please, don't eat me, just let me go!"

The fisher answered:

"I am very poor and I won't let you go! But I won't eat you, I will sell you to a goldsmith. You are tiny piece of gold, but if I sell you, I will have enough food for a week!"

Then, the golden minnow screamed:

"NO! Don't sell me to goldsmith! He will cut me into little pieces and I will die! Please, let me and as I promised, I will give you three upvotes!"

The fisher was very sorry about little golden minnow, but then he said:

"But you are only little minnow and your upvotes can give me only few cents. I would get much more if I sell you to a goldsmith!"

The golden minnow started to cry:

"Please, no goldsmith! I have an idea! You know the old saying: golden minnow never lies! Let me tell you what you will do to become rich. You have to let me go and for one year, I will become very big golden Steemit whale. Then, exactly for one year, come here on this dock at the same time and cast a bait in the sea. Then I will come and offer my three upvotes to you! And I will be a golden whale, my upvotes will bring you a lot of money!"

The fisher decided to believe the minnow:

"OK, I'll let you go! But don't trick me! See you for one year when you become a golden Steemit whale!".

So the fisher let the minnow back into sea.

Next year was very difficult for the poor fisher and he was barely surviving.

It was the miracle how he endured that year.
So, exactly one year after the fisher let the golden Steemit minnow go, he came back on that dock with his last bait. He waited for two hours again and then he started to think that the minnow tricked him! He already decided to give up but suddenly, the sea started boiling!

Fisher was scared. But then a golden Steemit whale appeared on the sea surface!

It was big like a building whole made of gold. Then, the whale said to the fisher:

"As, I promised, I came back! And now I will give you my three upvotes!"

But the fisher said:

"No fucking way! This time I'm definitely taking you to a goldsmith!"

Thank you!


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