A wonderful fairytale i wrote called Daisy please enjoy :)

eb495034f0e1902b3a1e8b7e42952536.jpgDid you know daisies can tell the future? What's that? A voice from behind said again. Do you know the daisies can tell the future? I turn to see A small child dressed in green with rosy cheeks and a large grin holding a flower. Did you know that daisies can tell the future? No I didn't little one. I'm not little said the boy, I'm just right for my age. How old is that I said. I'm 100 years old he said with a peculiar smile. Hundred years old I exclaimed. Yes I'm 100 years old ,in gnome years. How old is that in human years. he squinted and pointed his index finger towards his temple scratching his brow and said with triumph, ten! Ten I said. Yes 10 in human years. I laughed, no I didn't know that daisies could tell the future oh wait a minute you mean when you pull off each petal and say she loves me she loves me not, she loves me she loves me not, until you reach the end to find out whether she loves you is that what you're talking about? He laughed and laughed no, daisies aren't magic you know, how can a daisy know whether she loves you or not. You said they could tell the future. They can but that isn't magic, that's destiny he said. Shaking my head in defeat. Where are your parents little one. At home. Where is that? He takes his little hand and points off into the distance pass the field of daisies pass the patches of twisty vines beyond the ring of mushrooms and blueberry bushes to what appears to be a very, very large tree. That's where my parents are. Your parents are In the tree. Yes in the tree. Your home is the tree I said staring down the boy, but he didn't blink. Yes we live in a tree. Come on I'm taking you home you shouldn't be out talking to strangers, didn't your parents ever tell you that? You're not a stranger, I watch you every day Crossing the bridge alone he said. No one can see that far, I chuckle the bridges is miles from here. Well I can , and I do, so can my dad said the boy. Suddenly he starts waving his hands, as if he's trying to fly. What are you doing ? I'm waving to my dad. Suddenly he takes off running I can't believe how fast his little legs are moving I swear He could run up a waterfall! I try to follow him he runs pass the daisies his little head bobbing up and down between them like a sewing needle effortlessly diving through the patches of twisting vines and bounding up and over The ring of mushrooms and Blueberry bushes. I gasped for air 15 minutes later as I finally catch up to the little boy standing underneath the immensely large tree he calls home. I collapsed to the ground staring up into the sky wondering why did I try to keep up with him, when suddenly my eyes catches a glimpse of something between the branches, with amazement I see the largest telescope I have ever seen The boy suddenly appears, hovering his face over mine not even an inch between us and smiles I told you we could see you and then darts out of view. I stagger to my feet spying a very small door that opens with a bright light and then a warm smell of bread Washes over me. Come in come in said A very short but beautiful old Woman with flowers in her hair, behind her stood the boy holding the the Daisy and a bowl of soup. Who told you that you could take that flower ? It's not for me Mom honest. Aren't you going to invite your friend in? Oh no thanks, I said I just wanted to make sure the boy got home safely. Nonsense come in and have something to eat I insist. Reluctantly I enter the tree. I bend over, my head nearly touching my knees and I scraped my hands as I enter, there is a warm glow and a great smell of cedar and soup . A quaint little home in a very large tree. With a whimsical smile the woman speaks, you know daisies can tell the future, here have some soup and Pepper bread pouring me a hot bowl she continues all you have to do is tickle them. What's that I said? Tickle them, you have to tickle them. And tell jokes a voice came from Beyond, a deep baritone voice. No that's how you get them out the ground pa The woman said. Oh that's right said the baritone then you tickle them, yep then you tickle them. With that a great big baritone laugh came from pa sitting next to his telescope, stroking his Floor Length White beard he pulls a piece of pepper bread from it and dunks it into the soup, good soup today sweet. She leans over and whispers to me it's always good soup to him he can't taste anything, she smiles. Pa tells the boy to bring him the flower he looks at me and says if you want to get a daisy to tell you future you have to tickle it in just the right spot, right there between petals, and once it starts to giggle, in order to get you to stop, it will tell you the future. The boy then looks up at me with a mischievous smile, try it I picked it for you. Now everyone is staring at me all eyes following every move I make. Go ahead do it says his mom. Hesitantly I slowly move my hand towards the flower and start to tickle the Daisy between the petals, nothing happens. Do it again says the boy sometimes they resist. I tickle the Daisy again then suddenly the pedal starts to close and I think ,I think I hear something, yes I hear something .I place my ear next to the petals surprisingly it's sings, it's faint but I hear it, the flower whispers you'll wake up soon and suddenly I'm in my apartment the alarm is going off and rain is drizzling down the bleak gray windowpanes. I wipe the morning crust from my mouth and sleep from my eyes and stagger out of bed to get ready for work. With a sigh I grab my coffee and head out the door. It's her! I quickly straighten my tie before she see me and slick back my hair. I can't believe after all this time I still get nervous around her it's not like we don't share the same cab on the way to work. She turns around with a bright gleaming smile I dropped my coffee in shock! What's that in your hand? It's a daisy she says. My lips betray me and say you know daisies can tell the future don't you, you just have to tickle them in the right spot between the petals. She smiles and laughs I did not know that thank you. Try it I say. She looks at me inquisitively and with a smile she tickles it. Her face slackens in awe and in a loud gasp she exclaims I hear something! it's singing! She places her ear next to the petals and starts to cry. What did it say? Her face turns red. I run to comfort her what did it say? She looks at me with the with the most gentle eyes and the largest smile in the world and says, my answer is yes! My heart melts and I kiss her in every way I know how and in every way one dreams I kiss her today and all the todays afterwards, and we live happily ever after! .......Did you know daisies can tell the future?

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