You Don't Need Words to Tell a Story

In a world where we don't want to take the time to think, I sometimes wonder if we have forgotten to appreciate the story. We want everything spelled out to us, "just tell us what you are trying to say". The thing about this is, that sometimes art just wants you to make up your own story. Be it music, photography, paintings or other visual and audible forms. Sometimes art just wants you to stop being so lazy and figure out what you think it is. It's personal for both the creator and the consumer.

Damn Fugly you getting all philosophical and shit, you so deep

Well Fictional Reader, I'm just trying to find a way to express part of my motivation of focusing on music these days. I'm tired of talking, I'm tired of putting words to things. I want to create things that I can put out into the world and let others figure out how they should feel. You know you don't always need words to tell a story.

For instance Fictional Reader when you see this photo what story do you think it is telling?

So you see there's that tiger he's looking at the woman like, "aww yeah I just ate your boyfriend and he was good. You should of fed me more, and remember this hoe cause you next". And the woman is all like "I can't even look at you right now".

{facepalm} Why are you like this?

Like Wut

Nevermind. You want to know what I think when I see this photo?

Not really but I'm sure you gonna tell me anyway

I look at this woman and think the tiger is actually a visual representation of her strength. She has a look on her face, that tells me she is not to be messed with. She has a past, that has taken here to this place of solitude and has found her strength and from this point forward will take what is hers.

Damn that's #deep

Did you just meme me?


Anyway, my point is this you don't need words to tell a story, and even when you do use word it's still left for interpretation.

When I'm working on a new song, I typically don't follow the standar verse, chorus, verse, chorus rinse repeat. As cliche as it might sound I just start telling a story, I want to the music to take you on some kind of journey. I want the listener to be able to go on that journey over and over again and every once in a while find something new in it. I don't want to tell the listener what they should feel. I want them to figure that out for themselves. I don't always succeed in doing this, but I find that the songs I've created that I like the most are those that allow for that to happen.

When you create what is your goal? What is the purpose? Do you have a message, or are you just trying to get something out? I'd be interested in hearing your perspective.

Electronic Music Producer
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