A Strange Encounter With Charity...

Sometimes a conversation with a friend is like 3D glasses in a movie. A movie with hardly any worthwhile 3D scene. Pointless, stupid and stretched out. Now that I think of it, most meetings are like that.

I was having such moment on a street of Mumbai.

For the record, I am obese and I look too old for my age. It has some disadvantages. Alright I read your mind, it has many disadvantages.

One of them is, people consider that I have extra money. And, I am open to spend. Both are not true.

A stranger appeared near us. A straight line connecting me and my friend was transforming to a triangle. I tried to ignore. But my peripheral vision pulled my gaze towards this new character.

He asked about a place called Kurla.

I informed him that it is far and he can take a bus from the opposite bus stop.

He asked if I can suggest him a place where he can work and earn some money. He was stuck in a 'tricky situation'.

... Damn, this afternoon was going to be long.

In my mind I was sure that I had to get rid of him. I am selfish, there... I admit it.

Still my curious sense had to know. I asked him what happened. He said

I belong to a small village in Uttar Pradesh. I was promised that I will get a job and a place to live in Mumbai. When I arrived at Kurla Station in the morning, the man who promised never showed up.

Why can't I believe him?

Since then I am roaming. I have no money to have food. What I need is 350 rupees to buy a ticket back to my home place

Damn, I was sold. My hand automatically entered the pocket to feel if I have money. The place where this event took place is near my home. I had not carried my wallet. What I had was a bill of 50 rupees. I had no intention to part away with that sum.

I don't want money for free. I am willing to work for someone. I can wash utensils; I can do some simple jobs. If you have any such job I can work for you.

Wo, wo wo. Now, that's a difficult one. My mind was weighing options. His sincerity touched me. If I had extra money I would have given it to him. I handed that one bill of 50 rupees to this needy person.

He left.

My mind started reasoning. If he did not have money, how did he reach till here? I mean that station is pretty far from here. Does a general railway ticket cost that much? I was confused.

I discussed it with my friend. He had doubts too. I was fooled. My ego which considers me an intelligent person was harmed. What a pity.

I decided to end the meeting with friend. I turned to the direction where the trickster had gone. I have to follow him. Sherlock mode on.

I noticed that he stopped at a shop. He was discussing something with the shop owner. I tried to appear a part of the nearby crowd. I should not be spotted.

After a while this master beggar carried on with his journey. I approached the shop. I asked the owner about his discussion with this strange person.

He confirmed that he was asking for a job.

Aaah! The sigh of relief. I was not fooled. The person was genuine. Or was he? I could not be sure of that. One side of my point of view still considered some foul play in this encounter. The other part gave him straight “not guilty”.

I started towards my home. The master crusader saved another day.

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