Core values part 4

She displayed her core values and principle in such a manner that her actions were reported to the immediate boss as outstanding.
Bella worked so hard she often stays beyond her closing hours for assist boss .


One fateful day, when Bella close late for the day work the Staff bus have left her she had to take a taxi home .
Her boss generously gave her some of 2000 Naira for transportation as she waited for a cab at the bus stop a black Toyota Camry pulled over and offered a lift.
The face of the driver was familiar being a staff she had met in the office she says no danger when she accepted the offer .
In getting close to our destination the young man branch off with a promise to take her home safely after picking up survive from a nearby Hotel.

Unfortunately one thing led to another she followed him into his hotel room on getting there the man threatening to blackmail her before the management staff if she refused to do his bidding
It was getting really late but the manrefused to take her home
Bella was at a crossroad .
what will she do,the man tried to force against her will ,
he promised a permanent job and some money but she refused and would rather not work in your organisation anymore.
She thought of her future her values her principal she had a choice to make no she said to herself I have my values and principles to live by and knowing who she represented she held onto her believe and trust in God but not to succumb to the Temptation.

At about midnight when the man thought that it will be difficult for her to get a taxi you open the door of the hotel
Threw bella out hoping she would come back begging .
Bella to the ground with her head Held High she worked in the Dark night and the grace of God took our home safely as she walk home that night .

Bella pray that integrity wiill preserve her,
I represent my God and I'm never going to compromise she said to herself in spite of the pain of Betrayal and change and dangerous and then there's of the Unknown ,Her revolve to choose right guided her home safely

Two years later she was invited for a job interview in the same organisation as she walked into the conference room ,
behold the chairman of the panel was a young man of that fateful night again she was caught up in the moment of choice as always making the right choice is the key To Success.

Forgiveness from the heart would cause Joy to overwhelm you and grant you Peace.

yes she said to herself it is now or never she smiled as she stood by the seat provided for her and greeted the members of the interview panel

young lady the chairman's voice pierced through her heart can you tell us about yourself and what you can offer to this esteemed organisation?

Bella intentionally chose to put her past behind and confidently answer all the questions posed by the panel one of the members asked her a question on a relationship bothering most on forgiveness ensure customers satisfaction and service delivery.
Her answer baffled the chairman and immediately a book of Remembrance of open for her in the spiritual realm yes she had said to put behind what happened that night and remain focused to the task at hand you had to choose to live for her dreams and conquer it.

Bella successfully pass the interview and was hired based on the charity and brilliancy the chairman declared that she was hired based on trust and integrity the later requested that she should be posted to his office as one of his trusted staff to handle sensitive assignment .

what a choice to remain credible and humble and to live by values and principle no matter the immediate pain , threat, financial problem and discomfort
the actions we take it all matters of choice based on who will represent as a person

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