Q&A session of "The Necronomicon"


Going to be doing a reading as well as a Q&A session on a little known book called The Necronomicon.

Pop culture has used this book to a point that it has created its own mythology about the contents, what its suppose to be about, or even its origins. Few people know what the book is really about. This little session that I am holding in discord (link below) is going to be an open to anyone who is interested in learning more about it. To just explain that it really a work of fiction created by H.P. Lovecraft as well as many other authors of that same genre at the time (circa 1920s). So really, a book that was created by genius horror writer turned into a pop culture, cult icon some years after his passing really should have an explanation. So again, if you are interested in knowing what is written in "The forbidden, demonic bible", by all means, join in. It will be a live recording, so please no mics, but I will be answering questions as they come across the chat.
To get into the Gen Chat
Hope to see you there!
Reading & recording will start at 8pm Central time December 8th

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