People are Jealous of you because of some outstanding talents/skills you possess.

Dear Steemians,


People are jealous of you because of some outstanding talents or skills you possess.

People are jealous when your special talents excel theirs. Take the story of Cain and Abel. Abel has what I may call the talent of sacrificial propriety. He knew that it was only a sacrifice of blood that God wound accept. He had a great depth of spiritual understanding than his brother Cain who believed that farm products could please God. So, when God rejected Cain’s sacrifice, he became envious and directed his hatred against Abel instead of directing it against himself.

Abel had nothing to do with God’s rejection of Cain’s sacrifice. Cain should have looked within himself and asked why God did not accept his sacrifice. He should not have picked up a quarrel that was fatal to Abel. He should have quarreled with himself. This is the kind of introspection which all jealous people never seriously consider or do. If I am jealous of you or hate you because of your sense of propriety or because of your depth of understanding about matters, spiritual or otherwise, or because of your depth of your superior talents, I should ask myself what my own faults or weakness are and then correct them through God’s guidance. I should not wage war against you because you are not responsible for my own failure.
If you hate another man’s son because he has eclipsed your own son instinctually and morally, you are doing the wrong thing and you are sinning against God. You must find out why your son has been a failure to you. You should not transfer your hatred to another man’s son. If someone does better than you academically, you should not hate him. Ask yourself why you cannot do better than he. Julius Caesar was hatred by his friends and fellow soldiers because he used his military genius to bring victory to Rome. The hatred was based on deep jealousy.

According to the Biblical story, Saul, the first King of Israel, was not a particularly good fighter. It was the little boy David who smote Goliath and helped to confound the army of the Philistines. But as David returned from the slaughter of Goliath, the women of Israel began to sing, ‘Saul has killed his thousands, David his ten thousands’. The song displaced Saul and he grumbled, ‘to David they have ascribed ten thousands, and to me they have ascribed thousands; and what more can he have but the kingdom? From that day Saul eyed David, and Saul sought through many ways to kill. This kind of jealousy is prevalent on our own day. One sees it between bothers, or between a bother and a sister, or between sisters, or between close relations.
Then jealousy is caused when it is seen that one man has more talents than others. Such a jealousy not only brings a permanent enmity and hatred into the family but it destroy many lives.

☆☆ Let learnt contentment. God’s ways are inscrutable; in one instance God will give more talents to a younger sister or brother and just a little blessing to a senior sister or brother. Many times a junior brother or sister will possess grater wisdom, intelligence, position, kindness, open-mindedness, more money, more children, more homes, etc. than a senior sister or brother will possess. Why this is so? We will never know or understand it; only God knows. ☆☆

Images search: pixabay

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