Look Beyond challenges #Handicap thankful


Dear all,

No matters how serious a man’s handicap may be, no matter how great the sorrows of his life may also be, God will give him a definite cause for which to thank Him. Man will always find cause to express his feeling of joy or sadness to God.

Sometimes the expression of joy will take the form of shouts; at others times it will come in form of hymns, songs, and evening dancing.

A few years ago, the ideal of beautiful melody of music that would not only warm the hearts but would also draw such hearts closer to God. These children, in spite of their blindness, played with the gusto of those who seemed to be saying to God, Yes we are blind, but the music in our souls represents the light of God in us. They seem further to say: when we sing or play our musical instruments to praise God, our inner man is carried beyond this world to God’s throne above where there is no blindness, and where we will see God as He is and join forever in the songs of the great choir of heaven’. To these handicapped boys and girls, songs were a source of comfort and encouragement for them.

Like many of us who are going through moments of affliction and sorrow, these children hear the question, Art thou weary laden, art thou sore distressed? And they hear the assuring words of Christ which say: Come to me, said One, and coming, be at rest, I was moved despite of their conditions, being an handicapped, still, they see God above their problems. Whenever you feel alone, feel hopeless, and think there is none hope again for you. These children lives tells a lot, for you to know how to appreciating God I will advise that you should visit handicapped home, then you will understand.

Give thanks and praises to the most high- Bob Marley.

Thank for reading.

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