Never pity yourself - Amna Raheel

"I was two years old when my parents realized that I different. I never crawled, I couldn’t hold my head up for too long and I had trouble walking. What I have is known as Muscular Dystrophy and there is no cure for it. They soon learnt I would be wheel chair bound for life even though mum denied it till I became a teenager.

Then one day my parents sat me down and told me I would have to make some tough choices in life- There were certain things I would never be able to do. Karachi is not easily accessible for people in my condition. Life was going to be difficult. That same day I also made a promise to myself; I would not let this disease define me –
I would not let this city be inaccessible for me.

Today, I’m a 25 year old Graduate and nothing can hold me back. Yes, there were plenty of struggles but I made every inaccessibility accessible for myself and now I am on a mission to create awareness, to make people understand how important it is for ramps to be made in every public space so that people like me can hope to live normal and fulfilling lives.”


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